No Nukes - A Poet's Theological Odyssey of Lament Regarding The Elimination of Nukes From Earth
No Nukes - A Poet's Theological Odyssey of Lament Regarding The Elimination of Nukes From Earth |
No Nukes is an awesome book of poems consisting of 66 pages with a glossary. This excellent book sets the stage for the elimination of nuclear weapons from our world. The book is divided into various sections: the first contains narrative poems, the second songs of peace, and the third a series of haiku poems. Correspondingly, the two page glossary at the end gives an explanation of the terms used in the text for understanding of the reader. In the beginning, Janet Brennan, aka J. B. Stillwater certain placed a magical touch on this volume of poems with the opening forward. She sets the stage with language that is more literal than figurative. Her opening presentation speaks volume regarding this book being a Theological Odyssey with comparative analysis as in relation to books with a "pie in the sky" theory. Her practical and down to earth language capture the essence of this book into a bubble of magical proportion blown by a breath of love, not war; one which experiences joy like a child who is free from such knowledge and experience of death. This is the sort of magically, beaming, and traveling bubbles of mere soap and water that captures our attention. Naturally, peace is not supposed to be a complicated process! These wonderful bubbles are destined to burst in the sky while gracefully floating like the song of the Warbler Bird, as articulated by Inazo Nitobe in Bushido. One day we will know that the nuclear armistice race has ended, because of the love emanating and radiating from these bursting bubbles of love, which consumed the core essence of nuclear weapons and turn them into one of peace, love and compassion. It's the ending we longed for where plowshares will appear to plant food and feed the starving world, instead of nuclear armament in response to the poet's lament. Kumar has certainly placed his stake in this volume. As a result, the tension reflected in his poems regarding the abolition of nukes has gradually increases like a storyline. As it rises there are actions taking on various forms going back and forth during his lament. As such, some of the actions end in defeat and others victory. Naturally a climax is reached, then a resolution; thereafter, normalcy is achieved in the destruction of nuclear weapons and the Earth is at rest with peace upon humankind; thus, starvation, depravation, and disease-gone! Reading the first two sections of this volume, with such a process in mind, makes this poetic text more understandable. Kumar's poetic lamentation reminds me of the Book of Psalm in the Old Testament with the lamentation of King David seeking the protection of God for his soul. Unlike King David's unilateral plea, Kumar's lamentation and plea to God is to save the world from a nuclear strike, which would be very disastrous and destructive everyone. Thus is plea is multinational, multi-linguistically, culturally diverse, and cuts across the spectrum of the world's economies and boundaries. The knowledge of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are tumultuous remainders of war. Mary Jo Slater has penned a most devastation poem on this subject entitled, Welcome to Hiroshima as a remembrance of war and what an atomic bomb is capable of doing; just image a nuclear blast instead. What a tragic devastation that would be upon this Earth and its inhabitance. Hopefully, the song of the Warbler Bird floating across God's natural world should bring peace to the hearts of many in due time. Poets with such visionary sense of perspective are like prophets from God and a blessing upon the Earth. God has created poets for a reason. Theirs words are like parables from Christ. Certainly, as God's instruments of articulation to the masses, they provide words of wisdom for many. Read what Kumar states in his words: And a vision appeared to the poet in the night The vision of The Holy Spirit in the wild wood: Beware of the nightmare leading nowhere And bigot's extremism claws: The only battle worth fighting is peace Two world wars Already in the third World War Hounds hungry again Nuclear war to come- Fear deeper than all other senses Kabul , Kashmir , Mid-east bleed Chaos infernal-will the lamb fall? Melodious notes of celestial madness Kumar's visionary interpretation is speaking to a civilization that's supposed to be more advanced than others in the past. We hope! However, the curse of sinister weapons is knocking on our doors. The monster's hideous offspring are spinning in a whirlpool of promiscuous fire, dark and incurable, moving in tandem with nuclear arsenals across the globe. They are in rage like nests of wild wasps just sprayed. How advanced are we? The calling of raising hands to the heavens as Aaron, the brother of Moses did while holding up Moses' hands to overcome their enemies in battle is not a mystery. Seeing and experiencing peace is like the manifestation of celestial moon and sun, golden reincarnation, faith to convert ferocious devils, the restoration of cosmic harmony, and the reviving winds and rivers with God's truth and grace is at hand, according to voices. Kumar has certainly drawn our attention to the height of the bar we must now jump over. His visionary candle emanating light upon the world is to be perceived with love and compassion for all humankind. Take a moment and meditate on these uplifting, inspiring, and reviving words of Kumar: Jesus never dies: Christ disarms the planet by mind's Terrorist venom The sky is the emerald he wears Truth and compassion His rubies and diamonds Strikes the enemy not by violence But by changing his heart Make my parch'd dry soul sing Hear faith's sacred music And dreams of Gandhi's protest march: Let truth be your anchor Non-violence your deepest thought This is such an awesome volume of poem to read and meditate on with joy. It awakens the senses from sleeps and places on the mind of the poet, the urgency that "now is not the time to lay low." (Lay low is translated to Lelo in Tibetan, meaning laziness as articulated by Sakyong Mipham in his National Bestselling Book Turning The Mind Into An Ally.) Meditation of the mind brings peace internally; however, outwards manifestation of internal peace brings joy to the world, and erases violence from the hearts of humankind; thus, instilling a warm and noble truth emanating from new light of grace like the rainbow's end. Why is it that the heathens rage? One would ask. Kumar states the Buddha feeds on silence in his wonderfully ending haiku poem. Likewise, humankind should detach their minds from worldly distress, and resort to silence internally like the Buddha's meditation, and as Christ praying in the Garden of Gethsemane . Consequently, the principle of Wabi-sabi has always been a grounded in faith for humankind to return to God's natural sources for peace and enjoyment, instead of worldly greed. This awesome Theological Odyssey is a must read for poets who are spreading the mission of peace upon the face of the Earth, and for those who would like to be a part of the process. Kumar ends this Theological Odyssey with a glossary of terms for readers who are not familiarly with certain words used in this volume, thus shedding more light on the path to enlightenment. Certainly, Kumar has enhanced the knowledge of mankind regarding love and compassion for our world with the articulation of his poetic words regarding, No Nukes: A Brave New World of Beauty! Joseph S. Spence, Sr., is the co-author of two poetry books, A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body and Soul, and Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul. He invented the Epulaeryu poetry form, which focuses on succulent dishes, drinks, and cuisines. He is published in various forums, including the World Haiku Association; Milwaukee Area Technical College , Phoenix Magazine; Taj Mahal Review. He has appeared on numerous radio talk shows and television programs regarding poetry and prose. Joseph is a Goodwill Ambassador for the state of Arkansas , USA , and is an adjunct faculty at Milwaukee Area Technical College . He loves to see the sparkles in the eyes of his students and a smile on their faces upon learning something new. Website: or
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No Nukes - A Poet's Theological Odyssey of Lament Regarding The Elimination of Nukes From Earth
No Nukes - A Poet's Theological Odyssey of Lament Regarding The Elimination of Nukes From Earth |
No Nukes is an awesome book of poems consisting of 66 pages with a glossary. This excellent book sets the stage for the elimination of nuclear weapons from our world. The book is divided into various sections: the first contains narrative poems, the second songs of peace, and the third a series of haiku poems. Correspondingly, the two page glossary at the end gives an explanation of the terms used in the text for understanding of the reader. In the beginning, Janet Brennan, aka J. B. Stillwater certain placed a magical touch on this volume of poems with the opening forward. She sets the stage with language that is more literal than figurative. Her opening presentation speaks volume regarding this book being a Theological Odyssey with comparative analysis as in relation to books with a "pie in the sky" theory. Her practical and down to earth language capture the essence of this book into a bubble of magical proportion blown by a breath of love, not war; one which experiences joy like a child who is free from such knowledge and experience of death. This is the sort of magically, beaming, and traveling bubbles of mere soap and water that captures our attention. Naturally, peace is not supposed to be a complicated process! These wonderful bubbles are destined to burst in the sky while gracefully floating like the song of the Warbler Bird, as articulated by Inazo Nitobe in Bushido. One day we will know that the nuclear armistice race has ended, because of the love emanating and radiating from these bursting bubbles of love, which consumed the core essence of nuclear weapons and turn them into one of peace, love and compassion. It's the ending we longed for where plowshares will appear to plant food and feed the starving world, instead of nuclear armament in response to the poet's lament. Kumar has certainly placed his stake in this volume. As a result, the tension reflected in his poems regarding the abolition of nukes has gradually increases like a storyline. As it rises there are actions taking on various forms going back and forth during his lament. As such, some of the actions end in defeat and others victory. Naturally a climax is reached, then a resolution; thereafter, normalcy is achieved in the destruction of nuclear weapons and the Earth is at rest with peace upon humankind; thus, starvation, depravation, and disease-gone! Reading the first two sections of this volume, with such a process in mind, makes this poetic text more understandable. Kumar's poetic lamentation reminds me of the Book of Psalm in the Old Testament with the lamentation of King David seeking the protection of God for his soul. Unlike King David's unilateral plea, Kumar's lamentation and plea to God is to save the world from a nuclear strike, which would be very disastrous and destructive everyone. Thus is plea is multinational, multi-linguistically, culturally diverse, and cuts across the spectrum of the world's economies and boundaries. The knowledge of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are tumultuous remainders of war. Mary Jo Slater has penned a most devastation poem on this subject entitled, Welcome to Hiroshima as a remembrance of war and what an atomic bomb is capable of doing; just image a nuclear blast instead. What a tragic devastation that would be upon this Earth and its inhabitance. Hopefully, the song of the Warbler Bird floating across God's natural world should bring peace to the hearts of many in due time. Poets with such visionary sense of perspective are like prophets from God and a blessing upon the Earth. God has created poets for a reason. Theirs words are like parables from Christ. Certainly, as God's instruments of articulation to the masses, they provide words of wisdom for many. Read what Kumar states in his words: And a vision appeared to the poet in the night The vision of The Holy Spirit in the wild wood: Beware of the nightmare leading nowhere And bigot's extremism claws: The only battle worth fighting is peace Two world wars Already in the third World War Hounds hungry again Nuclear war to come- Fear deeper than all other senses Kabul , Kashmir , Mid-east bleed Chaos infernal-will the lamb fall? Melodious notes of celestial madness Kumar's visionary interpretation is speaking to a civilization that's supposed to be more advanced than others in the past. We hope! However, the curse of sinister weapons is knocking on our doors. The monster's hideous offspring are spinning in a whirlpool of promiscuous fire, dark and incurable, moving in tandem with nuclear arsenals across the globe. They are in rage like nests of wild wasps just sprayed. How advanced are we? The calling of raising hands to the heavens as Aaron, the brother of Moses did while holding up Moses' hands to overcome their enemies in battle is not a mystery. Seeing and experiencing peace is like the manifestation of celestial moon and sun, golden reincarnation, faith to convert ferocious devils, the restoration of cosmic harmony, and the reviving winds and rivers with God's truth and grace is at hand, according to voices. Kumar has certainly drawn our attention to the height of the bar we must now jump over. His visionary candle emanating light upon the world is to be perceived with love and compassion for all humankind. Take a moment and meditate on these uplifting, inspiring, and reviving words of Kumar: Jesus never dies: Christ disarms the planet by mind's Terrorist venom The sky is the emerald he wears Truth and compassion His rubies and diamonds Strikes the enemy not by violence But by changing his heart Make my parch'd dry soul sing Hear faith's sacred music And dreams of Gandhi's protest march: Let truth be your anchor Non-violence your deepest thought This is such an awesome volume of poem to read and meditate on with joy. It awakens the senses from sleeps and places on the mind of the poet, the urgency that "now is not the time to lay low." (Lay low is translated to Lelo in Tibetan, meaning laziness as articulated by Sakyong Mipham in his National Bestselling Book Turning The Mind Into An Ally.) Meditation of the mind brings peace internally; however, outwards manifestation of internal peace brings joy to the world, and erases violence from the hearts of humankind; thus, instilling a warm and noble truth emanating from new light of grace like the rainbow's end. Why is it that the heathens rage? One would ask. Kumar states the Buddha feeds on silence in his wonderfully ending haiku poem. Likewise, humankind should detach their minds from worldly distress, and resort to silence internally like the Buddha's meditation, and as Christ praying in the Garden of Gethsemane . Consequently, the principle of Wabi-sabi has always been a grounded in faith for humankind to return to God's natural sources for peace and enjoyment, instead of worldly greed. This awesome Theological Odyssey is a must read for poets who are spreading the mission of peace upon the face of the Earth, and for those who would like to be a part of the process. Kumar ends this Theological Odyssey with a glossary of terms for readers who are not familiarly with certain words used in this volume, thus shedding more light on the path to enlightenment. Certainly, Kumar has enhanced the knowledge of mankind regarding love and compassion for our world with the articulation of his poetic words regarding, No Nukes: A Brave New World of Beauty! Joseph S. Spence, Sr., is the co-author of two poetry books, A Trilogy of Poetry, Prose and Thoughts for the Mind, Body and Soul, and Trilogy Moments for the Mind, Body and Soul. He invented the Epulaeryu poetry form, which focuses on succulent dishes, drinks, and cuisines. He is published in various forums, including the World Haiku Association; Milwaukee Area Technical College , Phoenix Magazine; Taj Mahal Review. He has appeared on numerous radio talk shows and television programs regarding poetry and prose. Joseph is a Goodwill Ambassador for the state of Arkansas , USA , and is an adjunct faculty at Milwaukee Area Technical College . He loves to see the sparkles in the eyes of his students and a smile on their faces upon learning something new. Website: or