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Different Worlds - A Virtual Journey,, India, 2006, pp. 168 $ 25 Paperback, ISBN: 81-8253-064-4

Different Worlds - A Virtual Journey,, India, 2006, pp. 168 $ 25 Paperback, ISBN: 81-8253-064-4

This beautiful piece of art and literature is a compilation of short stories, poetry, and artwork from authors and artists around the world.

Enjoy personal photos from Jaipur, India, Myanmar (formerly Burma in SE Asia), to exotic islands in the South Pacific, as well as small villagios in Italy and Spain. Marvel at a spectacular sunset at Nye Beach by Trisha Allard, as well as an iced over Lake Massabesic in New England by Joseph Ganley The beautiful temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia by David Miller are a feast for the traveler's eye. "Misty Dusk at Reflections' Central Park Lake, by poet and author, Louie Levy is particularly captivating as one gazes through the lens of a master photographer at the silken mists enshrouding the lake in New York's Central Park, 1965.

As this brilliant art book progresses, we are taken into short stories from people around the world. They share with us their own trials and adventures while living or visiting some of the more remote locations in Satori, in Quebec, by Eric Tessier or the Coliseum in Rome, by Maureen Audley Jim Ganley, well-known bodybuilding champion and author, sends you to a New England Lake in "Season's of the Lake". This is a touching story of a man who has found his own Walden, if only for a year while recovering from a sad and difficult divorce. Travel with him to the depths of his soul while he battles demons, some his own, some otherworldly. Janet K. Brennan, author and poet, writes of her time living in a small village in northern Italy. . . in her "Friends of Montecchia." Go along on her own personal journey as she tells of a grieving family who found each other and learned to live again by the fine examples shown by the village familia. "The Nickel NYC, ?30s by Louie Levy is a trip down memory lane, through the streets of New York City in the 1930's 

"Oh! Yeah, who out there also remembers them little 6 for a quarter "White Castle" onion/cheese burgers?" This little story is great fun!

Hats off to Robin Buehler, poet, for her tribute to Ireland, and Robert Wilson poet and author for his poem "My Hawaii"

Once again, the editors at Cyberwit have published an informative and unique piece of literature to be enjoyed by all.

--Reviewed by Janet K. Brennan

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