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The Golden Wings, An Anthology of WORLD POETRY, pp.320, Price: $25 ISBN 81-901366-1-5 Published by (2002)

The Golden Wings, An Anthology of WORLD POETRY, pp.320, Price: $25 ISBN 81-901366-1-5 Published by (2002)

In an age where Technology universally reigns supreme and former traditions, cultures and, indeed, religions are sadly in decline, our world has become, in effect, little more than a global village. And yet it is a community divided against itself; for warfare, pestilence, famine, terrorist aggression and acute social breakdown have been seen to escalate during recent years, resulting in acute hardship and utter poverty for growing numbers of people while, at the same time, certain privileged individuals and financially motivated syndicates have wilfully and systematically been amassing obscene mountains of wasteful surplus wealth. The world is in one hell of a mess, it would seem, so what on earth are we to do about it?

The answer to this overwhelming problem is surely to be found within the heart of Man, for it is equally true that a loving family is intended to be the very microcosm of the human race as a whole. Poets the world over, despite their differences of ethnic background, religion, culture and historical tradition, are ever ready to bridge those massive chasms that might otherwise have continued to divide the nations; and, as the efforts of thousands of hitherto relatively unknown writers (worldwide) have already shown, Poetry can and will provide this timely and most important link. If this world of ours is still to be 'our oyster', then, surely, Poetry is our pearl - A priceless one, at that.

'THE GOLDEN WINGS' ANTHOLOGY, published last year by CYBERWIT.NET, is not just another collection of poems by a haphazardly assembled conglomerate of international poets. On the contrary, it can clearly be seen to be a well-planned publication, meticulously arranged and edited by a small team of dedicated litterateurs, who have unequivocally extended the hand of friendship, in the true spirit of Peace, across the continents of our beleaguered planet. Dr. Santosh Kumar, Editor-in-Chief, has provided a superb Preface (7 pages in length) which not only gives a scholarly synopsis of the range of poetry styles and content to be observed within this anthology, but also makes extensive cogent reference to many of the featured poets, respectively. Many of the contributing writers live in America, and it matters but little that the majority of the included poets may be relatively unknown to us, for this is indeed a splendid shared celebration in verse.

There are, in all, 215 poets whose work provides a veritable kaleidoscope of tone, colour and breathtaking imagery. Far good measure, this fine composite work is brought to a sparkling close with an assiduously compiled 22 page section providing biographical notes on each of the included writers, thus pinpointing yet another important consideration:

"In the world of Poetry there can be no room for elitism or hierarchical pecking order, of any kind. Poetry is a voice that must be heeded. And this lovely anthology brings to us all a common share of family in the true spirit of international Peace."

Bernard M.Jackson
Hon. Sec. Cinque Ports Poets - ENGLAND

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