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The Still Horizon, An Anthology of WORLD POETRY, pp. 246, Price: $15, ISBN 81-901366-0-7 Published by (2002)

The Still Horizon, An Anthology of WORLD POETRY, pp. 246, Price: $15, ISBN 81-901366-0-7 Published by (2002)

The book provides a comprehensive collection of poems by the poets all over the world. Here is a wonderful gallery of the poems by eminent poets from countries like USA, UK, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Italy, Argentina, Spain, France, Portugal, Japan, India etc. The anthology possesses a breadth, a depth, and a searching wisdom which is rare and admirable both. The function of this book is to prepare a congenial atmosphere for the poets, an atmosphere of best ideas. Most of the poems are penetrated with sentiment and intellectualism. Few poets in the anthology deal with sensations rather than ideas, with concrete life than with abstract imaginings. The poets are neither escapists nor unconcerned with human affairs.

Daniel W. Gonzales' 'Grandfather', Paul Oscar Deene Karr's 'Coffee Sweet', Cynthia Therese Hoffman's 'Nature's Enchantment!', Hilary Lois Gnali's 'The Snow Queen', Rune Leknes' 'The Mask', Yvonne Sparkes' 'Summer's Rain', 'My Prayer' and 'My Church', Christine Kempster's 'God Made Me', Sharon W. Flynn's 'Desert Dawn' and 'A Bouquet For New York', Jan Oskar Hansen's 'An Unconventional Mother', 'Rebirth & Cloning' and 'Stormy Weather', Jim Richardson's 'Ghosts In Korea' and 'Golden Age', Kimberly DuBoise's 'The Awakening', , Kathleen K. Harris' 'Evening Contemplation' and Floriana Hall's 'Wedding In A Rose Garden'- all these poems are magnificent and extend the domain of sensibility for the delight, honour and benefit of human nature.

Joseph Aprile's 'Dark Green Dripping Wetness….' is characterised by accuracy of observation and bitter truthfulness of representation:

I am my mother's fetus,
left nine months soaking
in a slimy sac of brine,
I find myself, sometimes
longing for the cleansing drench of downpour
to smooth the cracks and
fill the fissures
left from the naked heat of birth.

Felix Fojas as a poet is simple, healthy, natural-no hysterics or bluefire. His poem "On Moving Mountains" opens with the following words, inspired by everyday speech, yet charged with meaning:

In my callow days
I spent all my time
Moving mountains,
But nine out of ten
I miserably failed.

The above lines are brilliant and dazzling. There is an indescribable magnetism about his poems. The intent of Kim Shea's "Will You Still Love Me" is to arouse the reader to a world of true love. The poet asks:

Will you still love me thou my face has changed?
with wrinkles and lines often caused by age,
and my eyes have lost their youthful light
will you still love me through day and night?

These lines have the strongest emotional tones. Cassandra Lee Wernecke's "A Waste Of Love", in which the poet recounts a "hard' struggle "to keep this bliss", concludes with a powerful paradox:

but if I'm afraid to try
just one more time
this thing so sublime
is just a waste.

Shirley Bolstok's "May The American Flag Stand" refers to the events of black Tuesday, September11, 2001. The poem persistently and fervently attempts to bring home the complete devastation as the towers "came down in a thundering crash." Each line of the poem is a complete unit of the meaning signifying the tragedy.

"Not A Word Is Spoken" by Richard Brents is aimed at expressing the feeling that the poet is perhaps "alone", and nature itself seeks to assert this idea:

Not a sound
Bird nor breeze
Could it be that I'm alone?

Melodye Johnson's "You Will" moves from one picture of mood to a second, third and fourth. The lines of the poem are divided by questions:

Who's going to love me for the rest of my life...
Who will take me for his wife?
Who will calm me when I feel afraid...
Who'll share the dreams and plans I've made?

Dr. Hirsch L. Silverman's "Polarity" shows high poetic gifts. He is quite right when he says:

That without sharing
There can be no justice;
That without justice,
There can be no peace;
That without peace,
There can be no future.
There are many such cosmic images in his poem "Trinity' also.

"Homeless" by Norma Woodbridge creates images of the war, reflecting precisely the poet's passion for peace. The melodious quality of the line "we are not home" flows from the rhyme-like repetitions.

The publication of World poetry anthology presents sales problems and is not a profitable business at all. Besides, the production expenses are continually swelling. It is, therefore, truly remarkable that Cyberwit has offered its best efforts by compiling poems from different nations of the world in a single volume. This proves that the Cyberwit is devoted to the cause of poetry. Publishers usually do not care to take the risk of publishing poems but the poets deserve an audience. Due to venturing upon a hazardous business, Cyberwit should be admired by the whole creative community, because the poets look in vain for a publisher. The publishers generally turn down poetry publication.

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