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The Poems: 2020 By Jim Young

The Poems: 2020 By Jim Young


Jim’s poetry is a profound embodiment of his emotions, visions, and deepest thoughts on love, life, and the world. The poems in “the poems: 2020” induce multifarious emotions through his restless poetic structuring of an authentic and glooming range of emotions that reflect light on the reality of life.

The essence of the beginning of the Christmas season evolves out with a cease to the rainy season, “and the coffee and cream and the mince pies crumbled the afternoon into dusk.”  The reflection of night’s consideration puts up a question about the familiarity in stirring the cat’s sleep around the fire and sighing away the way and the day. Personified tone denoting “the mince pies” is noteworthy. 

Imagining “those candy floss machines”, takes one in a brightened and joyful world of childhood. Putting a stick inside those machines and when it comes out it is hugely bounded by sweet threads of mind’s eye. Sweet and ecstatic junctures in Jim’s writings fascinate and captivate the reader.

Poems in upsurging the enthusiasm of the reader are flawless. Through his marvelous poetry, he tries to give a rise to the hopes by signifying “and like young calves we’ll cavort” and “we’ll eat clover”. Positivism seems to flow in the poet’s thoughts and visions, and when he pens down, they create a world of positivity for the reader.

Above all else, Jim’s writings are imbued with strong and personified imagery. This poetic collection undoubtedly is a worthful read that solely and concisely reveals out poet’s true visions and thoughts to the readers with a felicitous assortment of glorious imaginations. 

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