All the poems in this collection contain accompanying sweetness, an arch sentimentality, and an intimate knowledge of common men's affairs (a gospel truth).
All the poems in this collection contain accompanying sweetness, an arch sentimentality, and an intimate knowledge of common men's affairs (a gospel truth). |
Today is a Michigan ghost town (English) Paperback - December 26, 2020 by Matt Borczon (Author)
Today is a Michigan ghost town, titled latest poetry collection of Matthew Borczon shows signs of freshness and originality in his poetry. His poems are remarkable for vivid, picturesque, and sensuous descriptions of nature and otherworldly creatures. Matthew’s true ability as a poet is revealed by the dint of this book. At times he sounds an intimately personal note. His imagination and philosophical tone aptly entice the readers. In his opening poem Today is a Michigan ghost town, Borczon has addressed ‘Today’ as ‘a Michigan ghost town’ which at first glance astonished me but later on, I was influenced by Matthew’s intention and thoughts when I saw this: “from the eyes of birds while they sleep.” Today is a Michigan ghost town Today is a Michigan ghost town it's a duffel bag full of human bones it's moths drinking tears from the eyes of birds while they sleep In Tonight, flames of philosophy are truly evident with an insertion of spirituality and grief. This poem glorifies the healthy enjoyment of life and the senses which reveal to us the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. Tonight Tonight I will set my aura on fire I will be gas station famous Dinosaurs on State St. depicts some sort of loneliness and immense feeling of compassion, love ,and misery. The phrases, blink like/the eyes/of big/dinosaurs, delight even simultaneously appeal to the readers imagination also. Dinosaurs on State St. Driving on empty streets in thick fog listening to classical music all the red lights on State st. blink like the eyes of big dinosaurs
and today I'm thinking about small things old relationships and lost friends In That one elusive thing, emotional and spiritual wholeness inevitably go together, and intelligence operates when it is the agent of this wholeness. Emotions and sentiments emerge out tremendously from these blotted words especially: I’m driving/on highways/built over/the bones/ of dinosaurs. That one elusive thing On the farthest side of the evening I’m driving on highways built over the bones of dinosaurs looking for that one elusive thing under a neon blue sky accented by fireflies as beautiful as stars. Today is a Michigan ghost town is a remarkable collection of Matthew’s poetry. He analyses the sequence of his feelings with a vividness and minuteness which assures us truth. Matthew’s poems have overfantastic imagery. In some poems, Matthew has showed his fascination for dinosaurs in a well-sophisticated way. There are flashes of beauty, fine notes of passion, and unforgettable poems. One can mark the melody, intimacy, and familiarity in the following poems: Lover, When, Looking and Dana All the poems in this collection contain accompanying sweetness, an arch sentimentality, and an intimate knowledge of common men's affairs (a gospel truth). I think that Matthew deserves the immense love and support of the readers. I can assure all the readers that this book is truly worth buying so go and check it out. My best wishes are with you, Matthew. All the best! -- Rochak Agarwal
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All the poems in this collection contain accompanying sweetness, an arch sentimentality, and an intimate knowledge of common men's affairs (a gospel truth).
All the poems in this collection contain accompanying sweetness, an arch sentimentality, and an intimate knowledge of common men's affairs (a gospel truth). |
Today is a Michigan ghost town (English) Paperback - December 26, 2020 by Matt Borczon (Author)
Today is a Michigan ghost town, titled latest poetry collection of Matthew Borczon shows signs of freshness and originality in his poetry. His poems are remarkable for vivid, picturesque, and sensuous descriptions of nature and otherworldly creatures. Matthew’s true ability as a poet is revealed by the dint of this book. At times he sounds an intimately personal note. His imagination and philosophical tone aptly entice the readers. In his opening poem Today is a Michigan ghost town, Borczon has addressed ‘Today’ as ‘a Michigan ghost town’ which at first glance astonished me but later on, I was influenced by Matthew’s intention and thoughts when I saw this: “from the eyes of birds while they sleep.” Today is a Michigan ghost town Today is a Michigan ghost town it's a duffel bag full of human bones it's moths drinking tears from the eyes of birds while they sleep In Tonight, flames of philosophy are truly evident with an insertion of spirituality and grief. This poem glorifies the healthy enjoyment of life and the senses which reveal to us the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. Tonight Tonight I will set my aura on fire I will be gas station famous Dinosaurs on State St. depicts some sort of loneliness and immense feeling of compassion, love ,and misery. The phrases, blink like/the eyes/of big/dinosaurs, delight even simultaneously appeal to the readers imagination also. Dinosaurs on State St. Driving on empty streets in thick fog listening to classical music all the red lights on State st. blink like the eyes of big dinosaurs
and today I'm thinking about small things old relationships and lost friends In That one elusive thing, emotional and spiritual wholeness inevitably go together, and intelligence operates when it is the agent of this wholeness. Emotions and sentiments emerge out tremendously from these blotted words especially: I’m driving/on highways/built over/the bones/ of dinosaurs. That one elusive thing On the farthest side of the evening I’m driving on highways built over the bones of dinosaurs looking for that one elusive thing under a neon blue sky accented by fireflies as beautiful as stars. Today is a Michigan ghost town is a remarkable collection of Matthew’s poetry. He analyses the sequence of his feelings with a vividness and minuteness which assures us truth. Matthew’s poems have overfantastic imagery. In some poems, Matthew has showed his fascination for dinosaurs in a well-sophisticated way. There are flashes of beauty, fine notes of passion, and unforgettable poems. One can mark the melody, intimacy, and familiarity in the following poems: Lover, When, Looking and Dana All the poems in this collection contain accompanying sweetness, an arch sentimentality, and an intimate knowledge of common men's affairs (a gospel truth). I think that Matthew deserves the immense love and support of the readers. I can assure all the readers that this book is truly worth buying so go and check it out. My best wishes are with you, Matthew. All the best! -- Rochak Agarwal