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Save My Spine Author: James G. Skinner

Save My Spine Author: James G. Skinner

Save My Spine  Author: James G. Skinner

Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-81-8253-327-1
Pub. Date: 2012
Price: INR 300

Overall ratings: 4 | 

The Plot
Let me begin my saying that ‘Save My Spine’ has a paper thin plot. And that precisely is the beauty of the book. It revolves around an elderly couple from Spain and their struggle to overcome the pain that is intrinsic to an old age. Almost a biography, the author narrates the story of his wife Maria Teresa who is diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis (a disorder of the spinal duct). The onset of the disease leaves the couple in a state of utter distress and anxiety. And what follows are a series of medical tests, a not so pleasant ordeal at Munich, and eventually a miraculous improvement, thanks to osteopathy. The narrative moves in an episodic fashion and the author excels in keeping the plot crisp and tight with pungent humour thrown in at places.

The Style and Language

The author’s style of portraying events and characters is refreshing and at times a good amount of detail is used so that the reader is able to create a better picture of the scene which leaves a lasting impression. Another interesting aspect is use of special remarks (author’s thoughts) throughout the narrative. For example, the author uses italic font to depict his inner thoughts regarding a particular event such as ‘Why the hell didn’t they use an ambulance’ or ‘Is it just your imagination? She is just inquisitive, man. Male chauvinist.’ What is commendable is that at no point the author tries to deviate from the main subject. In fact the author supplements the story with adequate images, photographs of the ailment, charts, research centres and medical practitioners thereby providing the so called authenticity to the ‘real’ life characters and events mentioned in the story. As the pages unfold, the reader realises that the book is not just about how an ailment is cured, rather it is about a journey that begins on a sad note but eventually it is hope and courage that takes the driving seat towards the end. 

Highs and Lows
‘Save My Spine’ is for every reader who is into reading inspirational stories. The reader will not only enjoy the entire journey of the couple but would definitely be filled with a sense of joy at the end, the joy that one receives after overcoming inner grief and pain. The author has left no stone unturned to depict the external as well as internal pain of the couple while dealing with the disease. In fact it is the sheer brilliance of the narrative style that keeps the readers hooked up till the end. Though it was extremely difficult to find any lows in the book, I still felt that certain descriptions were unnecessary and served as deviation from the main plot. However such instances were few and could easily pass muster. 

Plot: 3.5 | 

Creativity: 4|

Overall Rating: 4 |

Language and Style: 4 | 

‘Save my Spine’ is a must read for people of all ages. It is a slice of life narration by James G. Skinner and would definitely strike a chord with the reader. Go Get Inspired. 

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