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The Disappointed Author: K.V.Raghupathi

The Disappointed Author: K.V.Raghupathi







The Disappointed Author: K.V.Raghupathi

His story combined with dismay and disappointment, disgust and contempt, hatred and strange feelings produced in me some unique sensation and I left with indelible impressions of that old man. As I rode I felt how certain chance and unexpected and accidental meetings and certain inexplicable and indescribable combination of events and situations speak a great amount of the quintessence of human life....

Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182534759
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: INR 180

The Plot

The Disappointed is a story about two encounters between two people in a span of fifteen years. Mr. K.R. visits Professor PDN one fine evening. The meeting turns out to be the most enriching and soul stirring experience for Mr. K.R. As he listens to the Professor's life experiences, he is drawn into a world full of misery, deceit and anger where human emotions are left to the gutters. The story shakes the listener so much so that, he wishes to meet the Professor again after fifteen years. But as they say, time and tide waits for none, the Professor is found in a state of isolation, counting his last days. The plot is terse and straight forward trying to bring out the pain and agony of the 'disappointed' Professor.

The Style & Language


The author's style of writing has a lot of clarity and manages to strike a chord with the reader. Several life instances of the Professor has been narrated quite effectively and leaves a lasting impression. Certain episodes stand out, for example, the poignant situation between the Professor and the office boy where the boy accuses the Professor for taking advantage of his stature. The pain, anxiety and distress of the protagonist is the base upon which the entire art has been created and is complemented well with the flow and language

Highs and Lows

The Disappointed is like a long episode that spans for a few hours with the climax arriving after a gap of fifteen years. This very idea of representation is laudable. The story of the Professor has enough ingredients to leave a bitter taste in the mouth. The reader is almost lured to question the very purpose of human existence in the world. The questions that resonates the readers heart at the end may fill it with remorse and that is the power of this book. Of course the flip side of the coin do exist. Sometimes the author goes over bound with the episodes which at times become monotonous. Nevertheless, all is forgotten when the climax is revealed. It may not come as a surprise if an emotional reader sheds a tear or two after reading the about the Professor's catastrophic end. 

Plot: 3.5 | 

Creativity: 3|

Language and Style: 3.5 |  

Overall Rating: 3.3 | 


The Disappointed is like a mirror that reflects the hypocritical society and the plight of common man making the reader wonder whether our existence in this world is superficial or there lies a better way to lead a life with dignity. It is a must read for those who like to enrich their souls through experiences of others. 

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