
Keep in touch

The Cull

Author: Harry Owen
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780620749862
Publisher: The Poets Printery
Pub. Date: 2017
Price: $15

The Cull: new and resurrected poems is Harry Owen s seventh book of poetry. It s central concern, as with much of Owen s work, is the fate of the natural environment on an earth increasingly threatened by human expansion and intrusion. An advocate of life and biodiversity, he sounds an unmistakable warning while simultaneously celebrating the magnificence of what still remains to us. Most of these poems are new, but a few have appeared in earlier books.

Author BIO
Harry Owen

Since 2008, English-born poet Harry Owen has lived in South Africa. Author of seven full collections and editor of two acclaimed anthologies, including the internationally admired For Rhino in a Shrinking World in support of the fight against rhino poaching, his work is widely published and acclaimed in countries around the world.

Other Publication By Harry Owen

The Cull

The Cull
Harry Owen
ISBN: 9780620749862



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