
Keep in touch

Bliss in Island Life

Author: Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789385945892
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2017
Price: $15

The book 'Bliss in Island Life' is a beautifully woven tale of multiple people and their journey through life. The story revolves about how they meet each other at different phases of life and how they grow together and enjoy the small pleasures of life. It takes the reader through various stages of life from childhood to old age, from a village life through international travels, from hardships to luxury and choices we make in life. It delicately reminds us of what is important in life, beyond the stress. It revolves around island life and the pleasures of enjoying nature, at its best and being prepared for the fury of nature. It covers various occasions to celebrate and leaves behind important points to take away from each occasion. The author has touched various topics like health, social issues, hardships and has inspired us through various quotes. It is a book that will touch the reader and leave a lasting impression.

Author BIO
Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar

Sri Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar is retired from Indian Air Force. After completing his schooling from the Bengali High School in Nowgong (Assom), while studying in Nowgong College, he joined the Indian Air Force early in 1961. He was in the forward areas during the Chinese aggression near Sonitpur and later he was posted to various Air Force bases in India.

Other Publication By Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar

A Bunch of Flowers

A Bunch of Flowers
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Bliss in Dream

Bliss in Dream
Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar
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Bliss in Island Life

Bliss in Island Life
Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar
ISBN: 9789385945892



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