
Keep in touch

Of Illusions And Ink Spills

Author: Divya Hirani
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789385945908
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2017
Price: $15

As a young professional and an immigrant in a foreign land, the lure of the written word was all that was between me and my invariable losing of the self in the crowd. My poems are merely a linguistic representation of the ache beneath my skin, the comprehensible part of my otherwise invisible perception of the Universe. Poetry brews quietly, in the deep recesses of my heart, aged and matured like the finest Tennessee whisky in oak casks. What you read is merely what bubbles up to the surface and spills over onto paper, ink blots congealing into words. Words that sometimes struggle to do justice to what I feel. I refuse to be shackled into submission, the flowing, free form verse of poetry shall forever remain my domain, my shelter, my safe haven. And to this domain, I invite you in... And may I remind you not to judge, for where you see monochrome, I see rainbows and I trust my illusions more than I will ever the dull, drab garb of reality.

Author BIO
Divya Hirani

I am immensely pleased to come up with a collection of poems for you, dear reader. In this day and age when the world is caught up in a smoky grey landscape with the people in it neck deep in toil and drudgery, rescued only by the occasional respite presented to them in the form of intimacy of their inner circles.

Other Publication By Divya Hirani

Of Illusions And Ink Spills

Of Illusions And Ink Spills
Divya Hirani
ISBN: 9789385945908



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