
Keep in touch

Taj Mahal Review VOL. 15 NUMBER 2 DEC 2016

Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 09726004
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $27

Happy New Year. The December 2016 issue of Taj Mahal Review features some of the best contemporary  poets across the globe, richly gifted with profound imagination  by the international  poets. This edition exhilarating in its range also features short stories, haiku by the international poets,  artwork, book reviews and many other attractive features. We receive an increasingly large number of poems, short stories and haiku from across the country, and around the world. I have attempted to select and publish only valuable writings. I trust that you will enjoy these poems, short stories and haiku. The most important basis for publishing the international artists in the Taj Mahal Review is the quality of their work exploring the overall reality of human experience, powerful enough to shape our imagination. This is of great help in enhancing the reputation and prestige of the journal in literary circles. 

It is necessary to know that all great poems reveal  the inner life of the mind. “Poetry’s uniqueness stems from the fact that the subject and the object of poetry, the medium and the message, are one and the same. Unlike painting or sculpture, poetry can deal with any and every topic in any and every fashion because in the final analysis what poetry really expresses is the mind’s apprehension of itself to itself in itself” (Jan Mieszkowski).

Congratulations to Bob Dylan for receiving the 2016 Nobel prize for literature. He is quite famous for “having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge that my heart is filled with gratitude to all  creative artists included in this issue for their invaluable help and cooperation in editing this edition of the Taj Mahal Review. Thanks again for your tremendous support. Best Wishes for a Happy New Year. 



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Taj Mahal Review VOL. 15 NUMBER 2 DEC 2016

Taj Mahal Review VOL. 15 NUMBER 2 DEC 2016
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 09726004






Chrys Henderson

Moshé Liba

Moshé Liba


A. McIntyre

Albert Russo

D. R. Prescott


Fran Shaw

Jerry Vilhotti

Philip Harrison

Steve Mogg

Steve Morris 


Alok Gaur

Anil Bairwal

Bo Lanier

D Everett Newell

Doc Drumheller

Don Krieger

Fran Shaw

Gouri Suhas Kulkarni

Greg Moglia

Hari Priya

Howard Winn

John Cuetara

Johannes S. H. Bjerg

Krishnaveer Abhishek Challa

Luke Juran

Mary Anne Zammit

Moshé Liba

Patrick Williamson

Parul Jain

Prachi Rathore

R. W. Haynes

Rob Harle

Robert D. Rice

Robert Lampros

Saloni Kaul

Sandip Saha

Sathian KS

Shuchita Poddar

Sourya Acharya

Steven Sher

Suzie Palmer


TS Hidalgo

Tanya Rucosky

Vijaya Gowrisankar


Anna Cates

Anthony Q. Rabang

Ban’ya Natsuishi

Cherese R. Cobb

Devin Harrison

John Hawkhead

John McDonald

Nicholas M. Sola

Santosh Kumar

Sayumi Kamakura

Shirley Bolstok

Suzie Palmer

Tialila Kikon

Tom Sacramon




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