
Keep in touch

Gosh, Zapinette!

Author: Albert Russo
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789385945496
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $35

Don't ask me what I've just discovered.  Some of my Italian ancestors on my mother's side and therefore on Unky Berky's too, lived in Toledo, holy cow - yeah, the highfalutin say holy Toledo; maybe I did inherit a wee bit of holiness. I’m half American too, remember?

And now el señor Beriquito, he wanna sapika Sapanish like a bloomin toreador, except that he mixes spaghetti with sangria, which turns your stomach inside out. The two languages are so close you confuse cheese with chips.  So when Burriquito, which means lil donkey, greets me with que tal? I greet him back with an Eyetalian swearword which gives him the shingles - hey don't be vulgar, it's not what you think, just a bit spicy.

Author BIO
Albert Russo

Albert Russo who has published worldwide over 85 books of poetry, fiction and photography, in both English and French, his two mother tongues (Italian being his 'paternal' tongue; he also speaks Spanish and German and still has notions of Swahili), is the recipient of many awards, such as The New York Poetry Forum and Amelia (CA) Awards, The American Society of Writers Fiction Award, The British Diversity Short Story Award, The AZsacra international Poetry Award (Taj Mahal Review - US$ 500), the Books & Authors Award, several Writer’s Digest poetry and fiction Awards (winner and finalist), aquillrelle Awards,  the Prix Colette and the Prix de la Liberté, among others. His work has been translated into a dozen languages in 25 countries, on the five continents. Albert Russo was also a member of the 1996 jury for the  Neustadt International Prize for Literature which often leads to the Nobel Prize of Literature. Latest Prize: Best 2013 Unicef Short Story award in defense of childhood worldwide, entitled: 'Revenge by proxy / Vengeance par procuration'.

Other Publication By Albert Russo


Albert Russo
ISBN: 978-8182531680


Gosh, Zapinette!

Gosh, Zapinette!
Albert Russo
ISBN: 9789385945496



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