
Keep in touch

Paper Cranes

Author: Tialila Kikon
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9385945502
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $15

August six nineteen forty-five. It was a fine morning and the Hiroshima sky was blue without any doubt, without any fear. A sudden flash of light, a sudden thunder-clap took away the beautiful sky from millions of innocent lives. No, this wasn t the first nor the last where humanity shed tears of blood but this is where the idea of my book, Paper Cranes took birth and I wish this beautiful legacy of peace to continue. My paper crane maker Sadako Sasaki, only two years then, jolted out by the blast was later found in their garden, confused and not knowing the reason why? She survived only to suffer silent pain for another ten years, the fear of dying and the pain of leaving behind loved ones greater than the illness of her radiated frame, a tender soul made old too soon with grief.



No doubt, the poems in the poetry collection reveal that the poet is gifted with an intense and impressive imagination. The style of these poems is quite attractive due to every day words used by the poet revealing technical skill and attractive insights. The diction and phrasing of these poems is quite remarkable. The poet for the most part uses matter-of-fact, everyday words instead of artificial and ornamental vocabulary.

Dr. Karunesh Kumar Agrawal

Author BIO
Tialila Kikon

Tialila Kikon, teaches literature at Mount Tiyi Govt. College, Nagaland. She is currently a PhD candidate writing her thesis on Ecocriticism with reference to Toni Morrison's selected novels. Deeply in love with poetry, she is inspired by life, love and nature and believes that humanity is the only religion that can heal the world. A few of her poems were published in 'Feminist Voices Across Cultures: A Poetry Anthology' and some of her Tanka poems appeared in 'Winter Writes: Poems, Stories & Sagas', a kindle ebook published by the Whitesboro Group of Writers, New York. Her poems 'Indeed' and 'Children of Conflict' were selected out of 300 poems submitted by many poets from around the world and displayed at the Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre, Vancouver, Canada on 12th March 2016 at the WIN-UNESCO World Poetry Month Celebration on the theme of Love and World Peace.

Other Publication By Tialila Kikon

Paper Cranes

Paper Cranes
Tialila Kikon
ISBN: 9385945502


dandelion dreams

dandelion dreams
tialila kikon
ISBN: 9789389074291



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