
Keep in touch


Author: George Drandakis
Binding: Hardback (pp: 40)
ISBN: 81-8253-016-4
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: 2004
Condition: New
Price: $10

Eloise is collection of poems by George Drandakis, born in Peristeri, Athens, 27-1-1945. "After graduation I took exams for a position in a Greek Bank in which twelve thousand of candidates took part, of whom only seventy were to be appointed. I succeeded to be the eighth in the success row. I have also published essays, pieces of criticism and poems in a lot of good literary magazines and newspapers, national and local, for instance "Eleftherotypia" (newspaper), "Planodion", "Alevevan", "Schedia", "Ellitrohos", "Periplous" and so on (magazines). I am member of the Pan Hellenic Poetry Society."


The small workshop sparkled miracles
Colours, notes, words clear spread around.
May sun rited on the stage
Where man and woman at the altar
Sat opposing each other idolalatres.
She, in the brightness of her flesh
Wrapped in the silk gown
He, bearing the memories of his books
The places traveled, the women kissed.
Future was threatening them in foaming
Huge waves and what was cheap and old to abolish
And new figures and fancies and actions
And words fresh and notions virgin
Curved on the copper
Decorated with orgies from pots coming
From Horamsar and Nissapur.
Her glance deepened in his eyes
Like a hawk plunging
Towards a nestling
- No, refused Histar,
A leaf of thickly written paper replaced her.

Author BIO
George Drandakis

Eloise is collection of poems by George Drandakis, born in Peristeri, Athens, 27-1-1945. "After graduation I took exams for a position in a Greek Bank in which twelve thousand of candidates took part, of whom only seventy were to be appointed. I succeeded to be the eighth in the success row. I have also published essays, pieces of criticism and poems in a lot of good literary magazines and newspapers, national and local, for instance "Eleftherotypia" (newspaper), "Planodion", "Alevevan", "Schedia", "Ellitrohos", "Periplous" and so on (magazines). I am member of the Pan Hellenic Poetry Society."

Other Publication By George Drandakis


George Drandakis
ISBN: 81-8253-016-4



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