
Keep in touch

A Bunch of Flowers

Author: Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789385945489
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $15

'A Bunch of Flowers' is a book of joyous and sympathetic poems. The poems create an arousing painful sense of sadness with a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure. The poems present a mosaic of twin colours of joy and pain reflecting the various dimensions of human experiences. I was searching for rhythmic verse during composition of the poems, in my poetical imagination. The imaginary writings have different type of information in the poetry.

Author BIO
Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar

Sri Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar is retired from Indian Air Force. After completing his schooling from the Bengali High School in Nowgong (Assom), while studying in Nowgong College, he joined the Indian Air Force early in 1961. He was in the forward areas during the Chinese aggression near Sonitpur and later he was posted to various Air Force bases in India.

Other Publication By Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar

A Bunch of Flowers

A Bunch of Flowers
Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar
ISBN: 9789385945489


Bliss in Dream

Bliss in Dream
Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar
ISBN: 9789385945595


Bliss in Island Life

Bliss in Island Life
Bhupesh Chandra Karmakar
ISBN: 9789385945892



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