
Keep in touch

Flares of Love

Author: Arti Rai & Shekhar Tiwari
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789385945311
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $14

Long time ago, I read one of the representative love poem in English by Robert Burns whose poem simply talks about love a comparison with bloomin ng rose, to mark the joy and ecstasy of love. Similarly, I also read a poem "To his Coy Mistress" by a famous metaphysical poet called Andre Marvell who simply sings that he would love his beloved till the doom. However, the two poets, in this anthology, sing more than what Burns or Marvell may have imagined! Their poised poetic connotation of love is something more than life or universe it is something for the eternity !

Author BIO
Shekhar Tiwari

Born in a small village, Kairia under  Bhagalpur district of Bihar, Shekhar Tiwari is  a veteran poet, political thinker and entrepreneur of high repute. Highly inspired by  renowned poet, Suryakant Tripathy "Nirala", he, in his poetry, advocates freedom from internal bondage, social taboos, duality of social customs. His poems are resonant with inner voice for love and philosophy of life with eternal quest for liberation of soul from the bondage of the mundanes. He is a pragmatic poet whose poetic thoughts take shape while in transit between India and Washington D.C. America.

Arti Rai

Arti Rai, born in Allahabad, is a modern poet. Her poems veer around love, romance, nature, and human relationships with realistic subtlety of the treatment of the subject. Her poems are the whispers of hearts that are entangled in shackles of cast, religion and age... She fabricates the verses so boldly that they shoot like an arrow to wake up the sleeping chords of people devoid of love. Love... the ultimate way to happiness and bliss. Her poems are the sagas of love woven on the universal canvas of ever youthful time. Her poetic expressions are fresh, exotic and powerful to touche the core of human heart!

Other Publication By Arti Rai

Flares of Love

Flares of Love
Arti Rai & Shekhar Tiwari
ISBN: 9789385945311



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