
Keep in touch


Author: Piyush Kaushal
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789381696835
Publisher: Rochak Publishing
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $12

This book is a rhythmic fusion of Hindi and Urdu, where they intermingle and wear each other to be complete. Life becomes all so beautiful when poetry meets prose, and the words are reborn on supple musk smelling pages - this is my attempt of being me! Join me in making this fusion more worldly - kyunki hum isi zabaan me sochte hain...Hindustaani hain!

Author BIO
Piyush Kaushal

Born Kashmiri, and a native delhite, I am an introvert, a naysayer, a free soul, a mere mortal, fascinated by the sound of thoughts tumbling onto words. I am a writer, a budding poet, and also a considerate of the Storytelling art. Ardent follower of Lord Shiva, and a crazy fan of Sir Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (the other God). In my world a perfect romance blends when poetry meets its prose. My DNA is letter encoded, and I breathe and bleed words. Writing is my passion, and I write just for the sake of it.

Other Publication By Piyush Kaushal


Piyush Kaushal
ISBN: 9789381696835



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