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Volume: VOLUME 5 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2006
Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Hardback (pp: 544)
ISSN: 0972-6004
Availability: In Stock
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: June 2006
Condition: New
Price: $25

From The Editor


Welcome to Taj Mahal Review June 2006! The mission of TMR is to promote creative writing and arts by both known and unknown contemporary poets and artists transcending geographical barriers and nations, defend freedom of expression, and to promote literary fellowship across the globe without any distinction of religion, race, nation, or gender. This issue is for those who love poetry, short fiction and artwork. All creative souls endowed with a poetic temperament will be inspired to become poets, who alone are the chosen agents of God. The variety and intense melody of English verse, which has been a tradition since Shakespeare, is again shown in several poems selected for this issue. TMR assimilates poems and short stories from different nations, and presents a homogenous work of original creative writing.

US president George W. Bush was in India March 1-3 to finalise the civilian nuclear cooperation deal. It is good that America is recasting its relationship with India. The world's oldest and the world's largest democracy-both America and India-are fighting terrorism and extremism. It's most unfortunate and tragic that the jihadi terrorists on Tuesday March 7, 2006 targeted Sankat Mochan temple in the holy city of Varanasi, and a chain of blasts killed several persons. In India, the temples are generally crowded on Tuesday, the day of special prayers. The timing of the blast was probably to maximize casualties. Like Matthew Arnold's Scholar Gipsy, I'm 'Still nursing the unconquerable hope, Still clutching the inviolable shade' and trust that terrorism, fundamentalism can never solve problems.

President Bush used the word 'Namaste' in his speech. 'Namaste', a Sanskrit word, means 'the God in me honours the God in you'. 

The poems included in this issue are marked by intensity of feeling, the vivid pictorial quality of imagination, an extraordinary feeling for the music of words, absence of obscurity and artistic monotony, breathtaking individuality and energy. They differ from conventional thought and customary morality. By the charm of style, the subtle harmonies of verse, and the splendor of their fancy, the poets of June 2006 issue have achieved spontaneous poetic cadences and sustained depth. The vowel music in several poems is unsurpassable. There is no trace of anything impure, or ugly, or violent in the creative compositions included in this issue.

I humbly express my sincere obligations to all the authors of the issue for their kind help and generosity. The gratitude that Cyberwit wishes to acknowledge is to the creative artists, without whose cooperation, kind support, donations and subscriptions, the publication of TMR June 2006 would not have been possible.


Chief Editor

Author BIO

Other Publication By


Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004



Barbara Beck-Azar
Beate Sandor
Carliss Mora
Carlos Borges
Cathie Brock
Dennis Everett Newell
Dubi Roman
Emily A. Reed
Francie Aguilera
Gavin North
Helyn Davenport
Itzhak Ben-Arieh
Jane Fulton Alt
Karunesh Kumar Agrawal
Louie Levy
MaKayla Songer
Marguerite Carstairs
Michael Gebauer
Moises Levy
Patricia Benitez
Pepita Selles
Rebecca L Phillips
Steven P. Love
Trisha Allard

Behcet Kaya 
Louie Levy 
Tony Donovan

Martin M. Jacobsen

Alan Danzis 
Albert Russo 
Andrew MacDonald 
Andrew McIntyre 
Barbara Anton 
Brian Cross 
Chloe Noland 
Crystal Diane Arbogast 
Derek Loosvelt 
Donna Volkenannt 
Elliot Satsky 
Eric Tessier 
Floriana Hall 
Francie Aguilera 
George Bradford Patterson II 
Glenda Glayzer 
Harry Gordon 
Henry Victor 
Howard Scott 
J. Barbara Alvord 
J. Kay Terhardt 
J.L. Campbell 
JM Becker 
Jackie Elizabeth Newman 
Jane Timm Baxter 
Janet K. Brennan 
Janet Seever 
Janice Clark 
Jefferson Navicky 
Jeffrey DeLotto 
John Cuetara 
Joshua Potter 
Julie Bolt
Kelly DeLong 
Kimberly Raiser 
Leon Barnes 
Lisa Marie Brodsky 
Liza de Sousa 
Malcolm Dixon 
Mark Smyth 
Norman Lock 
Patricia J Newcombe 
Paul Clayton 
RT Duffer 
Regan Calmer 
Richard H. Heagy 
Robert Paul Blumenstein 
Ron Savage 
Ronda Del Boccio 
Sherry Asbury 
Stephen E. Shepherd 
Tatiana Pahlen 
Terry Clark 
Timmy Waldron 
Tracy Ann Smith 
Vera Searles 
Vince Rogers  
Whit Honea 
X&Al Danzabel

Frieda Groffy

Adam Donaldson Powell
Adolf P. Shvedchikov 
Albert Russo 
Andy Harding 
Anna Yin 
Antoinette Kopperfield 
Barbara Anton    
Barbara Beck-Azar 
Bryony Hutt 
Cassandra Lee Wernecke 
Catherine Berg 
Charles P. Ries 
Charles Ray 
Cheri Fry 
Crystal Diane Arbogast 
Daniel Luis 
Del Senkbeil 
Dennis Everett Newell 
Diane Hamilton 
Dimitris P. Kraniotis 
Edward Hanson 
Fran Shaw 
Frances LeMoine 
Fredrick Zydek 
G Emil Reutter 
Ghirga Giovanni 
Hirsch L. Silverman 
Isabel Guevara 
Jack Richard Hodge 
Jamie Mallinson 
JEM Wellen 
Jennifer DiCamillo 
Jerry Bradley 
Jerry-Mac Johnston 
John Cuetara 
Johnny Santiago 
Joseph Larkin 
Julie Failla Earhart 
Karen Sperry 
Karin L. Frank 
Kathy L Martin 
Keneshie Morrison 
Lawrence S. Pertillar 
Linda Benninghoff 
Lola Scarborough 
Louie Levy 
Malaya Macdonald 
Margriet Homma 
Margarita Engle 
María Cristina Azcona 
Mark Van Fossen 
Michaela A. Gabriel 
Michael A. Romero 
Michael Estabrook 
Nieves Sheree White 
Pamela A. Lamppa 
Patricia Wellingham-Jones 
Paul Tylor 
Phil Crudden 
Phillip D. Collins 
Ray Succre 
Rebecca Guile Hudson 
Richard Krawiec 
Richard Stevenson 
Ricky Garni 
Robin M Buehler 
Rodney Coates 
Roland R. Ruiz 
Ronda Del Boccio 
Rose Marie Streeter 
Ruan Wright 
S.P. Flannery 
Sandra Fowler 
Santosh Kumar 
Seara Pacter 
Shannon Woron 
Sharon W. Flynn 
Shelagh McKenna 
Shirley Bolstok 
Stanley M Noah 
Steffen Horstmann 
Stephen Powers 
Suchoon Mo 
Susan Salisbury 
Teri Schwartz 
Thomas E Atterberry 
Tiffany Young 
Tony Nesca 
Trish Shields 
Vasanta Athilat 
Vernyce Dannells 
Victoria Valentine 
W. S. Mayo



Cuatro poemas y trés cartas, and Del Azar y la Memoria, Pentagrama, 2000, Chile, ISBN 956-8009-07-8 by Adam Donaldson Powell

Oh Zaperetta! by Albert Russo, Xlibris, USA, 2004, pp. 475, ISBN 1-4134-7014-9 by Santosh Kumar


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