
Keep in touch

Sweeps of Rain

Author: Geert Verbeke
Binding: Paperback (pp: 128)
ISBN: 81-8253-068-7
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: 2006
Condition: New
Price: $14

My thoughts wander off to Paris, I am madly in love with this town as an inspiring life parade, where I wrote the first haibun for this book. The 'Seine' has fine esplanades within the shadow of the Eiffel Tower and 'la Maison de la Culture du Japon'. I met there the president of the French Haiku Association. 'Bonjour Dominique Chipot!' Paris, the perfect source for the kuyu (haiku lovers) and the haibun readers. I am the archivist of my own emotions, written with a clarity that you hopefully will appreciate. Just remember the words of the peculiar jazz pianist Martial Solal: 'People say that I am an autodidact. That's not right, I've got a very good professor: myself.'

Author BIO
Geert Verbeke

Born in Kortrijk, Flanders (Europe) on 31 May 1948. Father of four and husband of one! Children: Hans (°1969), Saskia (°1972), Merlijn (°1984) & Jonas (°1986). His soulmate: Jenny Ovaere, ex-teacher, today a companion for Joker adventurous travelling. Author (poetry, novels, meditations, fairy tales), writes haiku since 1968. Recorded 14 cd's with relaxation music on singing bowls.

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Sweeps of Rain

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