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Epiphany: Tales of Revelation

Author: Ankita Rathour
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789385945212
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $15

"A true and brutally honest utterance of love, this book connects with you instantly. An attempt to bring out the various nuances of a heart in love, the collection ranges from romantic poems to poems dwelling with the questions of self. This book is for everyone who wants to have a rendezvous with themselves and also with the ones they love in a familiar yet newer light."

Author BIO
Ankita Rathour

Ankita Rathour lives in Delhi and is currently working with Hindustan Times Learning Centers. She was a Fulbright Scholar at University of Hawaii, Manoa, Honolulu in the academic year 2013-2014. She is a Masters in English and is a passionate reader of Crime Fiction. She has been a dancer, actor and loves stage. She has always been an ardent writer but poetry just happened to her and now she is working on her first fiction. She loves travelling and feels that the more we document ourselves, the more it helps the society at large. She expects her readers to join her in her very first venture of being a published writer and is humbly hopeful that they find it worth a read.

Other Publication By Ankita Rathour

Epiphany: Tales of Revelation

Epiphany: Tales of Revelation
Ankita Rathour
ISBN: 9789385945212



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