
Keep in touch

Finding a Way

Author: Robert Witmer
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789385945137
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $15

What I offer here are poems that were written according to the determinants of the haiku form as I have understood them: poems based on Japanese models, given in a single stanza, with less than twenty syllables, that intensify and exalt experience, whether actual or imaginative. The poems aim at an openness that is a traditional characteristic of the genre, openings that invite the reader to participate in the pleasures of the creative experience. They are informed by a sense of the human and the natural as being mutually reflective and interdependent.

Author BIO
Robert Witmer

Robert Witmer lives in Tokyo, Japan, with his wife Aiko. They have two children, Layla and Alex. Robert teaches at the Faculty of LiberalArts, Sophia University, where he has worked for the past 35 years.

Other Publication By Robert Witmer

Finding a Way

Finding a Way
Robert Witmer
ISBN: 9789385945137



Robert Witmer
ISBN: 9789395224529



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