The Meaning of Fyfe: the 70's
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The Meaning of Fyfe: the 70's
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Sex, drugs & out of control! Amid the gritty ‘70s streets of Montreal borough Verdun, John Fyfe walks an observational tightrope, his sanity at stake. His uncompromised gaze dissects the hypocrisy of society’s authorities – teachers, doctors, bosses – while commiserating with the outcasts they’ve locked away during a spiraling summer of tension working at the Samson insane asylum. Turns out the lines defining crazy, inside & outside the institution’s walls, are blurred indeed. Mingling with the mad earns his pay, fuelling a drink & drug-filled pursuit of women & adventure, unsure if he’s expanding his consciousness or opening a door to something darker within. Pulsing with the urgency of youth & fading dreams, screaming down the highway with a bottle in hand; how far will John go to discover The Meaning of Fyfe?
Editorial Reviews This novel is a very good read. The main story opens at a psychiatric institution in Canada in the 1970s, and includes many recognizable associations with the youth of my generation i.e. the hippie generation at its peak. At times humorous and inane, but always written with an underlying mindful sobriety (no, dear Reader the story is not devoid of drugs, sex, rock n roll, alcohol and other fun and debauchery we well remember from those years), this book underscores the difficulty of separating one s own at once changing, and yet unchanging identity from that of our environment thus creating a perfect arena for understanding life itself as perhaps just another imitation of stories on a ferris wheel or merry-go-round ... churning around and around. When is the moment to jump off and make a change, and how significant will those changes really be? Is The Meaning of Fyfe by John R. Fyfe, truly a novel, or is it perhaps really a fictionalized autobiography? While it may be tempting for the reader to speculate on which stories may be real life ones, as well as the possible or probable degrees of embellishment or fictionalization, that indeed would be a rather useless occupation. Let s be honest. This novel is about you and me for some of us it may perhaps be about what was or what could have been in our own lives, or in the lives of someone we have known or heard about; but it is more essentially about the vocation of being human ... and of living and dying with the consequences of how we handle the deck of cards on the table. It certainly took insight and courage to write this story. And it takes a good deal of both to read it, own it and to relive it through the author s eyes. (Adam Donaldson Powell, Oslo, 2016) |