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Feminist Voices Across Cultures: A Poetry Anthology

Author: Edited by Rupali Saran Mirza
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789385945052
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $15

This volume of poetry is a portrayal of a woman and the world around her. What it feels to be a woman can only be chronicled through the genre of poetry which has the faculty to divulge her true feelings, in all profoundness. Feminism is a celebration of the very existence of a woman. The innermost feelings and turmoil within her can be revealed more aptly through poems written by female authors.

Author BIO
Rupali Saran Mirza

Rupali Saran Mirza

Other Publication By Rupali Saran Mirza

Feminist Voices Across Cultures: A Poetry Anthology

Feminist Voices Across Cultures: A Poetry Anthology
Edited by Rupali Saran Mirza
ISBN: 9789385945052


The Global Muse

The Global Muse
Edited by Amna Shamim and Rupali Saran Mirza
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