
Keep in touch


Author: Geert Verbeke
Binding: Paperback (pp: 52)
ISBN: 978-81-903812-1-5
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher: Rochak Publishing, India
Pub. Date: 2008
Condition: New
Price: $12

The original drawings and the commentary that accompanies them are so ancient that no one knows their origin. But the twelfth-century Chinese Zen master, Kakuan, re-wrote the Taoist parable of 'the Ten Oxherding Songs', to guide students in their spiritual journeys. Regardless of what specific path we follow, the old Zen Buddhist Allegory is a most beautiful representation of the entire journey to the rediscovery of the True Self. The Ox represents the Self being sought, and the person is the Seeker. The old story was an invitation for my own modest, playful and highly personal interpretation. Feel free! Be your own prophet. Following this story, this book at hand is a modest and playful contribution to a spiritual quest.

Author BIO
Geert Verbeke

Born in Kortrijk, Flanders (Europe) on 31 May 1948. Father of four and husband of one! Children: Hans (°1969), Saskia (°1972), Merlijn (°1984) & Jonas (°1986). His soulmate: Jenny Ovaere, ex-teacher, today a companion for Joker adventurous travelling. Author (poetry, novels, meditations, fairy tales), writes haiku since 1968. Recorded 14 cd's with relaxation music on singing bowls.

Other Publication By Geert Verbeke


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Frogs Croak

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Brother Buddha

Brother Buddha
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Sweeps of Rain

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Rain (Haiku)

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The Toi

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