
Keep in touch

My World

Author: Anupama V. Kadwad
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182536593
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $15

Anupama V. Kadwad is most convincing and admirable in her new poetry book. She has incomparably excelled most of the contemporary poets. Her intuitive complexity is revealed in concrete images or words. The myriad subtleties of her thought are truly amazing. These poems are quite remarkable due to rich and copious diction, innovative application of images and phrases, the structural capability and unique command over all the intricacies of feelings. Anupama s poetry is miraculous for the depth of her philosophic insight. We can rightly say that Anupama is the queen of the unique poetic rhythm and style.

Author BIO
Anupama V. Kadwad

Anupama V Kadwad is fond of reading, writing and music. Since childhood she developed a habit of expressing her feelings and thoughts into words, which has helped in writing poems. She believes poems give wing to thoughts and the words which flow come deep from the heart. 'My World' poem book is about nature, the surrounding environment, day to day life and the relationships with people we come across in everyday life. It consists of simple poems for all age groups which every individual can relate to.

Other Publication By Anupama V. Kadwad

My World

My World
Anupama V. Kadwad
ISBN: 9788182536593



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