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Beauty and Truth in Love

Author: Dipankar Sadhukhan
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182536487
Pub. Date: 2016
Price: $13

'Beauty and Truth in Love' is my third anthology of seventy one lovely amorous lyrics. Since my childhood, I have been deriving much pleasure from literature, especially from poetry. So poetry is my love and passion. Poetry is my soul. The poetry of the English poets (from John Milton to T S Eliot) has influenced my life so much. I am very impressed by the poetry of the Indian poets (from the Sufi poets to Rabindranath Tagore). I can t think of my life without poetry. The world of poetry is totally different from reality. It is filled with beauty, love and happiness. It gives me aesthetic pleasure and infinite joy both of which are not possible to gain in this mundane world. I can easily transport myself to Paradise on the wings of imagination which is the key to my creativity.

Author BIO
Dipankar Sadhukhan

"Dipankar Sadhukhan's Poetry is a reflection of the world we live in, depicting various glorious topics of varying degrees of emotions as expressed in the dancing rhythm of his words. His poetry will surely move you capturing the essence of human drama, the beauteous nature and God's love over His creations.

Other Publication By Dipankar Sadhukhan

Your Love, My Inspiration

Your Love, My Inspiration
Dipankar Sadhukhan
ISBN: 9788192818740


Love, Another Name of Divinity

Love, Another Name of Divinity
Dipankar Sadhukhan
ISBN: 9788182535343


Beauty and Truth in Love

Beauty and Truth in Love
Dipankar Sadhukhan
ISBN: 9788182536487



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