
Keep in touch

Floating Haiku

Author: Shalini Yadav
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182536432
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $15

This collection is a brain-food for intellectuals and laymen, for those who are by any means connected to the nature and philosophy of life. Moreover, it is for those aiming at a nullifier for the incursion of modern life; it is for those who also recognize that universal perception can have astounding value in our changing world and life accolades our close attention. Turn the pages and join Shalini Yadav on her journey into the haiku poetry of present-day world - poetry affluent with consciousness and reluctance that cannot help but bring us to profound absorption.

Author BIO
Dr. Shalini Yadav

Dr. Shalini Yadav holds a Ph. D in Postcolonial Literature and is presently working as Assistant Professor in Al-Jouf University, Saudi Arabia. She writes scholarly articles on Language and Literature for refereed journals and anthologies. She has always been passionate about reading fiction and poetry from her childhood. Her cherished has come true in the form of this poetry book.

Other Publication By Dr. Shalini Yadav

Till the end of Her Subsistence

Till the end of Her Subsistence
Dr. Shalini Yadav
ISBN: 9788182534070


Floating Haiku

Floating Haiku
Shalini Yadav
ISBN: 9788182536432



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