
Keep in touch

Killer Pavement Ahead

Author: Chuck Tripi
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182536395
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $15

Teeming with iconic images of suburban America in the 1950's, Killer Pavement Ahead engages the flourishing and withering of an urge to consumerism in a post-war baby boom culture. In these rich and evocative poems, poet Chuck Tripi tells tales of growing up absurd among tail fins and Your Hit Parade, home improvements and alcohol, tales of the tincture of time with its passages and epiphanies, insights, reconciliations and release.



The poems included in this poetry collection reveal an impressive intensity of feeling and spontaneous language. Profound sincerity and peculiarity of thought-this is the chief characteristic of these poems. The lyrical depth of these poems shows the poet’s supreme triumph.

Dr. Karunesh Kumar Agrawal

Great book, great author. I'm surprised at its range--how it seems to go from simplicity to complexity exactly as a life might do, from the not quite jejune to the sophisticated, at its faithfulness, age to age--how it seems to track the years with a sense almost of necessity, with a restrained, precise logic. A must-read for all lovers of poetry.

Christopher Torpey

Author BIO
Chuck Tripi

Chuck Tripi is a retired airline pilot and executive living in Pompton Plains, New Jersey, USA. He is founding partner of The Paulinskill Poetry Project, a boutique press and community resource. His poetry appears widely in journals and other media, Boston Review, California Quarterly, Louisiana Literature, Poet Lore, and Quiddity among them. His collections include Carlo and Sophia, a Cyberwit bestseller (2013), and Killer Pavement Ahead (Cyberwit, 2015).

Other Publication By Chuck Tripi

Carlo and Sophia

Carlo and Sophia
Chuck Tripi
ISBN: 9788182533783


Killer Pavement Ahead

Killer Pavement Ahead
Chuck Tripi
ISBN: 9788182536395


Wander Where They Will

Wander Where They Will
Chuck Tripi
ISBN: 9789395224277



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