
Keep in touch

Glimpses of Poetry

Author: Chithra Hari
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182536326
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $14

Virtue is that characteristic of a person that makes them unique and endearing. It fills what is empty, heals the sick, calms the troubled. This is what I felt when I read Chithra s poems, she is a keen observer of the world around her and through her poems we get a glimpse of the world in her perspective. She has written on subjects that people from all walks of life can relate to; put it in an optimistic way and in a simple language.

Author BIO
Chithra Hari

Miss. Chithra Hari, daughter of Mr. Hari and Bindu Hari, born in 1999, in Dombivli, Maharashtra State, completed her matriculation in Model English School, Dombivli, presently doing her HSC in SIA Jr. College, Dombivli. Classical dance is her passion. She has completed her seven years basic course in Bharatnatyam under guidance of Guru Smt. Radhika Premanandan of Bharata Kalalayam, Dombivli. She has also done basics of Classical music under guidance of Guru Mrs. V.S.Saraswati. Apart from her love for classical dance, she loves to write poems in English which she started writing around a year ago.

Other Publication By Chithra Hari

Glimpses of Poetry

Glimpses of Poetry
Chithra Hari
ISBN: 9788182536326



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