
Keep in touch

Climbing the Rainbow of our Dreams

Author: Frieda Groffy
Binding: Paperback (pp: 123)
ISBN: 978-81-8253-095-9
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Pub. Date: 2008
Condition: New
Price: $15

She used the APS to transfer communications skills that are usually left undeveloped in the visual and Fine art fields. This process has resulted in a number of young aspiring writers being included in this wonderful book of poetry. Her encouragement has also led to many writers to pursue their dreams and further their studies in literature and communications. Through her poetry she has taught the youth that freedom is a voice and a spirit that belongs to all and especially those who aspire to be strong.  

Her laughter and presence have given the youth faith and hope that all is not lost in this world. The youth emerged from her workshops understanding the importance of communication and how liberating the experience is in understanding the many challenges of life. She has encouraged them to write their stories and poetry and share that with the world.  

To see Frieda Groffy, a staunch anti-Apartheid Activist and a very good friend of South Africa go back to a democratic South Africa with an understanding that the youth are truly the future of the country is indeed a moving experience of selfless dedication.. We can all learn the importance of giving back to society by just watching Frieda live out her passion of building the very fibre of the nation, namely the youth.  

The people of South Africa truly appreciate the love that has been shown to their children by this wonderful woman, a true friend of South Africa , who has travelled so far to plant a seed in the hearts of their children, a seed of love, hope and freedom.  

Author BIO
Frieda Groffy

Frieda Groffy studied Drama & Theater Arts at the Conservatory of Antwerp-Belgium. That explains the everlasting love to walk onto a stage and ‘perform’. So far she published six books of poetry in Dutch, her mother tongue. She is a restless traveler who can come home into a different culture and feel like a stranger in her own backyard. She published poetry global wise on literary sites as a.o Creative Women- TimBookTu- Quiet Mountain Essays- and was translated in French-Spanish-Arab-Kurdish- Rumanian and Serbian.

Other Publication By Frieda Groffy

African Footprints On My Soul

African Footprints On My Soul
Frieda Groffy
ISBN: 978-8182531239


Climbing the Rainbow of our Dreams

Climbing the Rainbow of our Dreams
Frieda Groffy
ISBN: 978-81-8253-095-9


The Universal Woman

The Universal Woman
Frieda Groffy
ISBN: 81-8253-057-1



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