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Select and Significant Flashes and Highlights from Indian Scriptures

Author: Thotalam Chellaswami
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182536173
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $24

This is a highly religious and philosophical section of the Yuddhakanda of Valmiki Ramayan a and is on par with Vishn usahasranaama Stotram. It is worth noting that while sages Vasishtha, Vis vamitra and Agastya played the role of gurus to Sri Raama at different stages of his life, Brahma sings the praise of Sri Raama, which was directly heard by Raama Himself even as Bhishma s exposition of Vishn usahasranaama Stotram which has also been directly heard by S ri Krishna Himself. It may be stated that the oft repeated expression aatmaanam maanusham manye raamam das rathaatmajam - I consider myself a human being, Rama, the son of Emperor Das aratha , occurs in the Rama Stuti section of Yuddha Kaanda in Valmiki Raamaayan a.

Author BIO
Thotalam Chellaswami

The author of the above presentation is Thotalam Chellaswami (date of birth 31th July 1925), the holder of master s degree in mathematics (Madras University) and in Economics (Punjab University) and Statistician s Diploma (Indian Statistical Institute). He is a retired senior officer of Indian Economic Service (Assistant Economic Advisor to Govt. of India) and Senior Advisor of the United Nations (ILO). He founded in 1985 Srinivasa Gita Satsangh Trust (a charitable and Cultural Trust) in honour of his father, Late and revered Thotalam Srinivasachari with himself as Founder Trustee. The Trust has been duly registered in 1985.

Other Publication By Thotalam Chellaswami

Select and Significant Flashes and Highlights from Indian Scriptures

Select and Significant Flashes and Highlights from Indian Scriptures
Thotalam Chellaswami
ISBN: 9788182536173



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