
Keep in touch

VOL. 5 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2006

Volume: VOLUME 5 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2006 (10th Issue)
Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: Dec. 2006
Price: $20

From The Editor

Welcome to the Taj December 2006! The aim of Taj is to promote Art and Poetry for Peace & Brotherhood across diverse nations. This issue contains an extensive selection of most notable artwork, poems and short stories created by artists from all over the world. The artists whose works appear in Taj are selected because of their innovative style, and their faith in limitless freedom of expression  devoid of superfluous ornamentation, empty verbiage and hollow generalities. The most important thing for a creative artist is to posses some inward Platonic reality to face the dark unspirituality and 'homelessness' of the postmodern ethos. The most obvious and inescapable aspect of  the poems, artwork and short stories included in this issue is to convey the idea that there are as diverse ways of creative expression as there are individualities.

Terrorist attack on July 11, 06 by seven bombs on the train network in Mumbai, India killed more than 170 people and injured 500. These trains carry about six million commuters daily. It reminded me of Hardy's famous statement: "Happiness is but the occasional episode in a general drama of pain" (The Mayor of Casterbridge). Hardy advises us in his another novel: "Our plan should be to move onward through good and evil-to avoid morbid sorrow even though we see ugliness in the world; to do good cheerfully, following Spinoza, battle with our evil star and follow out our ideals" (Tess of the D'Urbervilles).  

It was a matter of great joy to me when Joseph Aprile along with his wife, a resident of Seattle, Washington, visited my residence, Allahabad on May 22, 06. We discussed a lot of things like modernism, postmodernism, the problem of selling poetry and art, contrast between works of art and real life etc. Aprile is an extraordinary creative artist. His poems, novel Awakening from a Distant Dream and short stories anthology At the Fringes of Experience 'explore the many facets of the human experience'.     

Hearty congratulations to Orhan Pamuk (b. 1952) for winning Noble Prize 2006, the first Turkish author to achieve this honour. His novels Yeni Hayat (1995) and My Name Is Red have been translated into more than forty languages. My Name Is Red is 'a fantasy and a philosophical puzzle'. 

As many of you will know, I have been trying my best on the enrichment of Taj, by selecting only those writings, which add to credibility and prestige of the journal. It is a pleasure to acknowledge, with a very deep sense of gratitude, the help, cooperation, generous support and kindness of all the authors and artists. 

Chief Editor

Author BIO

Other Publication By

VOL. 5 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2006

VOL. 5 NUMBER 2 DEC. 2006
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004



Albert Russo 
Alex Nodopaka 
Alexandre Maller 
Bianca Elena Cudalbu 
Carliss Mora 
Cathie Brock 
Debra Anne Brechbiel 
Debs Higginson 
Elizabeth Pujalka 
Erne Turtle 
Frances M Buss 
Francie Aguilera 
Fred Chuang 
Ginger Lovellette 
Jason Ferguson 
John Kirwan 
John McMillan, LL.B 
Karunesh Kumar Agrawal 
Liz Parkinson 
Louie Levy 
Marguerite Carstairs 
Paul Ross Sandilands 
Rachel J Wong 
Robert Rutoed 
Sherri Carchia-Dailey 
Steven Love 
Susan Kelley 
Tatiana Pahlen 
TheaterOfCrueltyNoh ASSAKRA 
Wendy Bandurski-Miller 

Erica Johansson 
Louie Levy 
Robert D. Rice

Adam Donaldson Powell 
Martin Jacobsen 
Myron Joshua 
Santosh Kumar

Alan Danzis 
Alyce Lomax 
Andrew McIntyre 
Arlene Sanders 
Barbara Anton 
Behcet Kaya 
Brian Alan Lane 
Calisto Mudzingwa 
Chris Melo 
Crystal D. Arbogast 
David Quinn 
Deborah Clearman 
Donna J. Howard 
Ed Higgins 
Eddie Bruce 
Eric Diamond 
Eric Tessier 
Fernando Arrojo-Ramos 
Fran Shaw 
Gary Alexander Azerier 
Gregory Mc Guinness 
Howard Scott 
Jack R. Hodge 
Jack Swenson 
James G. Skinner 
James Ross 
Janet K. Brennan 
Jeffrey DeLotto 
Jerry Craven 
Jim Ganley 
Joanna Valevich 
John Cuetara 
Juliet Carol Aharoni 
Karin Butts 
Kimberly Raiser 
Marcelle Heath 
Margaret Foley 
Math Osseforth 
Matthew A. Kaufman 
Noah Ruderman 
Philip Keogh 
Rani Drew 
Richard H. Heagy 
Robin Grove 
Stephen E. Shepherd 
Tatiana Pahlen 
Terry Clark 
Tom Atterberry 
Vera Searles 
Vince Rogers 
X&Al Danzabel 

Albert Russo

Adam Donaldson Powell 
Alan Morgan 
Alice Parris 
Andrea Hera Cook 
Andy N 
Ashley Sweatt 
Bill Roberts 
Bob Gotti 
Burton Danet 
Carl Palmer 
Catherine Berg 
Cheri Fry 
Cyril Wong 
D Everett Newell 
Debbi K Brody 
Del Senkbeil 
Dimitris P. Kraniotis 
Eustace M. Bellille 
Fichtl Betti 
Floriana Hall 
Fran Shaw 
Greg Edwards 
Hirsch Lazaar Silverman 
Howard Camner 
Ian Kenneth Cawley 
Jan Oskar Hansen 
Jerry Bradley 
Dr. Joan Marques 
Joseph Josephides 
Judy Sandoval 
Julie Jordan Scott 
Julious Keys 
Karen A Sperry 
Kyle Ferguson 
L. Ward Abel 
Laurence Overmire 
Levi James Baldwin III 
Louie Levy 
Lynda Ortiz 
Margriet Homma 
María Cristina Azcona 
Michael Estabrook 
Michaela Sefler 
Melanie Simms 
Patricia Wellingham-Jones 
Rebecca Guile Hudson 
Richard Peabody 
rob walker 
Robin Grove 
Rose Marie Streeter 
Robin Pommier 
Ruth Anne Boothe 
Sandra Fowler 
Sarah Elizabeth Rose 
Shelagh McKenna 
Stephen McAllister 
Tammy Ho Lai-ming 
Tatiana Pahlen 
Tiffany Young 
Tom Atterberry 
Trish Shields 
Victoria Valentine 
W. S. Mayo 



The Synoptic Gospels of Albert Russo, A Review of The Crowded World of Solitude, Volume Two; The Collected Poems, Reviewed by David Alexander

Helicon by Santosh Kumar,, India 2006 pp. 62 $9 Paperback, ISBN: 81-901366-8-2 Reviewed by Janet K. Brennan

Different Worlds - A Virtual Journey ed. Santosh Kumar,, India 2006, $25 Paperback & Hardback, ISBN: 81-8253-064-4 (pp: 168), Reviewed by Janet K. Brennan


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