
Keep in touch

Siamese, If you please

Author: Jennifer DiCamillo
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182536012
Publisher: ECO READ PRESS/Smart Kat Imprint in conjunction with CYBERWIT
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $15

Anna wants a kitten. Any kitten will do. But her mother is pickier. She only wants a Siamese. This story is about searching for the right pet until you find the one that feels purfect.

Author BIO
Jennifer DiCamillo

Is a mother of five, and a grandmother of 8, Who ran a Pre-K Co-Op for numerous years Where she prepared and taught lesson plans for community Pre-schoolers. She loves children and reading.

Other Publication By Jennifer DiCamillo

Freda Frog

Freda Frog
Jennifer DiCamillo
ISBN: 9788182535749


Siamese, If you please

Siamese, If you please
Jennifer DiCamillo
ISBN: 9788182536012



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