
Keep in touch

Handshakes & Heartbreaks

Author: Samir Zaidi
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535985
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $15

Most of his poems have been inspired from actual experiences and moments which are close to his heart, or incidents that seemed to make a difference in his life. At the end of every poem, you know that true love or justice, or just that bright light out there in the world, shines brighter than ever.

Author BIO
Samir Zaidi

Samir Zaidi is a story teller, a disciple of true love and a believer. But, his work mainly contains heartaches and sad endings, which may possibly stem from personal experiences or just the myths he s attracted to.

Other Publication By Samir Zaidi

Handshakes & Heartbreaks

Handshakes & Heartbreaks
Samir Zaidi
ISBN: 9788182535985



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