
Keep in touch

A Philosophy of Azsacra Zarathustra

Author: Miguel A. Fernandez
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535909
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $14

Suddenly, powerfully, unexpectedly... Emerging from the turbulent and dismal conditions of our 21st century, the philosophy and work of Azsacra Zarathustra appears powerfully as a lightening, thundering electrifying worldviews on life and the cosmos, and thus powerfully illuminating the conditions of our reality in a way that is only comparable to the light conceded by the power of the Sun. [Miguel A. Fernandez]

Author BIO
Miguel A. Fernandez

Born in London, for many years Miguel has been devoted to synthesize the cultural heritage of the West with the most advanced scientific-economic challenges presented by the techno-industrial societies. Miguel is an essayist, novelist, industrial engineer and philosopher of techno-science. He speaks fluently five languages and is a living example of how the construction of bridges between tradition and modernity are not wishful thinking. His entire life journey is devoted to facilitate others -and especially the next young generations- build theirs. His future projects are focused above all in founding educational institutions that can prepare the next generations for the challenges of the foreseeable future”

Other Publication By Miguel A. Fernandez

A Philosophy of Azsacra Zarathustra

A Philosophy of Azsacra Zarathustra
Miguel A. Fernandez
ISBN: 9788182535909



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