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Taj Mahal Review VOL. 14 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2015

Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 09726004
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $25


The June 2015 issue of TMR features some of the best contemporary poems by the international poets.  This edition also includes short stories, haiku by the poets across the globe, artwork, book reviews and many other attractive features. We receive an increasingly large number of poems from across the country, and around the world. The most important criteria for publishing the international artists in the Taj Mahal Review is the quality of their work. This is of great help in increasing the reputation of the journal in literary circles. 

Great poets all over the world  always try to transmute their pains and sufferings into the great vision of love and brotherhood. Søren Kierkegaard aptly remarks: “A poet is an unhappy being whose heart is torn by secret sufferings, but whose lips are so strangely formed that when the sighs and the cries escape them, they sound like beautiful music  and then people crowd about the poet and say to him: “Sing for us soon again”.

The fact is that the sufferings and “the unalleviated anguish of the marrow” should never be considered as the poet’s weakness. T.S. Eliot made the most appropriate comment about Pascal that his despair and disillusion are “the analogue of the drought, the dark night, which is an essential stage in the progress of the Christian mystic”. 

I am quite grateful to all the creative artists who submitted their fiction, nonfiction, and original artwork for publication  in this latest  issue of  the biannual journal Taj Mahal Review. Many thanks for your tremendous support and cooperation. 



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Taj Mahal Review VOL. 14 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2015

Taj Mahal Review VOL. 14 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2015
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 09726004





Conor Wrigley

Moshé Liba

Thomas Fortenberry



David Hollywood

Santosh Kumar



A. McIntyre

Angelee Deodhar

D Everett Newell

Francie Aguilera

Fran Shaw

Gerard Sarnat

Jeffrey DeLotto

John M. Floyd

Larissa Douglass

Robert Lampros

Shawn P. Madison

Steve Mogg

Steve Morris



Aditya Kumar Panda

Alka Jain

Arunkumar Chelikani

B. A. Varghese

Christopher Mulrooney 

D Everett Newell

Diane Dehler

Doc Drumheller

D. R. Prescott

Dustin Alexander

Earl J Wilcox

Eric Tessier

Indu Parvathi

John Cuetara

Kimberly Pitzrick

Kusum Shukla

Lowell Jaeger

Madhumathi Ravi

Madhuri Maitra

Marianne Szlyk

Mark A. Murphy

Mark Floyer

Mary Metcalf

Monami Ghosh

Moshé Liba



Patrick Wilson 

Plakshi Jain

Poornima Laxmeshwar

Prem Kumar

Raina Hutchins

Ruchika Sharma

Saheli Mitra

Scott Laudati

Semeen Ali

Simon Hanson

Srikanth Venkata Somanchi

Stephen Witty

Subhash Chand Bhoria

Sudip Gorai

Suzie Palmer

Tara Menon

Venkat S Bontha



Anna Cates

Archana Kapoor Nagpal

Doc Drumheller

John McDonald

Judit Katalin Hollos

Nishant Mehrotra

Robert Witmer

Shirley Bolstok

Suzie Palmer



Nitesh Jain



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