Voice of Valluvar - Thirukkural - (The Tamil Veda)
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One of the most illustrious and ancient classics the Tamils can be proud of is the Thirukkural created by Valluvar. He is generally called Thiruvalluvar, the prefix thiru meaning sacred. It is also equivalent to Shri or Mr. Thiruvalluvar was born in Mylapore, meaning the village of peacocks, a locality in Chennai, before Jesus Christ was born, according to some researchers. But some others hold a different view. The time of the classic is placed anywhere between the 2nd century B.C. and the 8th century A.D. to quote a renowned Tamil scholar, Mr. P.S. Sundaram, author of Thiruvalluvar The Kural . (Kural means couplet.) It is rightly said that Thirukkural is the Tamil Veda, being considered equivalent to the Vedas of the Hindu scriptures. It consists of 1330 couplets, grouped into 133 chapters, comprising ten couplets each. The work is of three parts. The first part is on VIRTUE, comprising 38 chapters. The second part is on WEALTH, the largest, comprising 70 chapters and the third part comprising 25 chapters dealing with LOVE BETWEEN MAN AND WOMAN. |
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Voice of Valluvar - Thirukkural - (The Tamil Veda)
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One of the most illustrious and ancient classics the Tamils can be proud of is the Thirukkural created by Valluvar. He is generally called Thiruvalluvar, the prefix thiru meaning sacred. It is also equivalent to Shri or Mr. Thiruvalluvar was born in Mylapore, meaning the village of peacocks, a locality in Chennai, before Jesus Christ was born, according to some researchers. But some others hold a different view. The time of the classic is placed anywhere between the 2nd century B.C. and the 8th century A.D. to quote a renowned Tamil scholar, Mr. P.S. Sundaram, author of Thiruvalluvar The Kural . (Kural means couplet.) It is rightly said that Thirukkural is the Tamil Veda, being considered equivalent to the Vedas of the Hindu scriptures. It consists of 1330 couplets, grouped into 133 chapters, comprising ten couplets each. The work is of three parts. The first part is on VIRTUE, comprising 38 chapters. The second part is on WEALTH, the largest, comprising 70 chapters and the third part comprising 25 chapters dealing with LOVE BETWEEN MAN AND WOMAN. |