
Keep in touch

Shri Krishna-Ras

Author: Ramavatar Agrawal
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535848
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $12

Shrimad Bhagvad Gita was created as a sublime narrative and dialogue between the Pandava Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Krishna. In the Gita we find subtle philosophical concepts about Karma Yog, Bhakti Yog and Jnana Yog. Krishna exhorts Arjuna to refrain from doubts and hesitation, and do his duty as a warrior and kill. The Gita includes the essence of the Vedas and Upanishads. This most precious Hindu scripture has universal appeal, for all times. Arjuna is a symbol of struggling human soul . It has been called allegory of the inner life by Aurobindo. After becoming aware of the fact that the Hindi poetic translation of the Bhagvad Gita is not available in the market, I was inspired to do this task. I have done my best to complete this translation. Hope the Almighty God Krishna and readers of this book will forgive me for any error while translating this Sanskrit classic.

Author BIO
Ramavatar Agrawal

Ramavatar Agrawal was born on December 3, 1937 in his ancestral village Machari (Alwar, India). He came to Alwar for higher studies and worked as a teacher for a few years. He retired as Tehsildar in December 1995. He is deeply interested in writing fiction and poetry. He has published one novel. Inspired by his ardent devotion to God, This book is his Hindi Poetic Translation of the classic sacred scripture Shrimad Bhagvad Gita.

Other Publication By Ramavatar Agrawal

Shri Krishna-Ras

Shri Krishna-Ras
Ramavatar Agrawal
ISBN: 9788182535848



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