
Keep in touch


Author: June Nandy
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182531703
Publisher: Cyberwit.Net
Pub. Date: 2010
Price: $15

Calcutta was different then. Just five years back even, it didn’t race to collide, but walked to guide. Romi chuckled out softly. ‘Ma’s habit of thinking in poetry is catching up with me. Ma would’ve definitely made a face and replaced the word guide with abide. I still remember the day when she and father were watching a television show, where a man was smoking a cheroot and Ma had cried out: Look…how he starts by making one soul of a thousand hungry stomachs…unemployed thinking stomachs. Look, he wants to now extend their hunger to that dank theatre called Academy, where the first three rows are of leather, and the rest are wooden chairs infested with bugs. Hah, land of equals. Equality when there’d be road processions with inquilaabzindabad slogans; locked out factories with inquilaab zindabad calls; obstructing traffic by sitting on the roads for hours with inquilaab zindabad; boycotting of classes in the university campuses with inquilaab zindabad.’ Romi remembered, how she always thought inquilaab zindabad was a call to throw normal life into mayhem and disorder; to interfere in other’s activities.

Author BIO
June Nandy

June Nandy is a published poet, ghazal singer and a translator from Calcutta, India. She has received her MA in English Literature & Hindi, Bachelors in Education, post graduate diploma in Translation Science (Gold Medalist) and a diploma in Public Relations. Her poetry has been published world wide in reputed international and national journals like Taj Mahal Review, Asian Cha, Qarrtsiluni, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Hudson View, Kritya, Muse India, Femina and elsewhere. 

Other Publication By June Nandy

The lines must die

The lines must die
June Nandy
ISBN: 978-8182532090


Earth's Tilted Spine

Earth's Tilted Spine
June Nandy
ISBN: 9788182531345



June Nandy
ISBN: 9788182531703



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