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Stranger than a Sun

Author: Amitabh Mitra
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9780620552967
Publisher: The Poets Printery
Pub. Date: 2015
Price: $15

Stranger than a Sun is popular poet Amitabh Mitra's collection of Prose poems and Drawings. Weaving an incredible magic of moments, this collection spans in a semiautobiographical style, love poetry and charcoal drawings to places as remote as New Coochbehar and Along in Northeast India to African countries likes Niger and South Africa, threads joining to his hometown at Gwalior. Stranger than a Sun celebrates love poetry, it celebrates Gwalior too.

Author BIO
Amitabh Mitra

Amitabh Mitra is one of the most widely published poets globally. A medical doctor, poet and a visual artist living in South Africa, he has edited, Trainstorm. Cover and Back Art are his acrylic work on canvas. The book is a coffee table hard cover edition which has abstract photographs by Amitabh of trains in motion. 

Other Publication By Amitabh Mitra

Stranger than a Sun

Stranger than a Sun
Amitabh Mitra
ISBN: 9780620552967



Edited by Amitabh Mitra
ISBN: 9780620718301


Anarchy and the Sea Unknown

Anarchy and the Sea Unknown
Dr Amitabh Mitra
ISBN: 9780992202026



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