
Keep in touch


Author: Diane Oatley
Binding: Paperback (pp: 62)
ISBN: 81-8253-045-8
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Pub. Date: 2005
Condition: New
Price: $10

Subsequent projects have taken this focus into the theme of cultural hybridity, in explorations through poetry, dance and other visual media of boundaries and migrations between artistic genres, cultures and identities. She began working in an interdisciplinary fashion immediately upon concluding her studies - applying feminist literary theory on the body and writing to dance and the performing arts. She began writing texts, experimenting with voices and exploring the boundaries between literary and performance genres, sound vs. sense, body vs. mind, movement vs. language. In conjunction with this work Ms. Oatley developed a dance practice within the field of Oriental (Middle Eastern/North African) Dance, based on the need to ground dance and movement theory in practice in such a way as to allow practice to reveal unexpected theoretic openings and connections.. 

Further, she has worked as a consultant on performance arts productions, been a guest lecturer on a number of occasions at Oslo University College, the University of Oslo, Black Box Theatre and the Oslo School of Contemporary Dance on the subject of Contemporary Dance and the body. She has taught and performed Oriental Dance for over 12 years and in 2002 expanded her dance focus to include the study of Flamenco. She is presently working on a performance combining her own texts and a mixture of Flamenco and Arabic dance with contemporary movement traditions.

Author BIO
Diane Oatley

Diane Oatley is originally from the United States, of Norwegian-American descent and a resident of Norway since 1982, at which time she attended the University of Oslo as part of her junior year abroad. She transferred from the University of Maine to the University of Oslo in 1983, and subsequently went on to complete a Masters Program in Comparative Literature (women writers within the Anglo-American and Scandinavian traditions), also at the University of Oslo.

Other Publication By Diane Oatley


Diane Oatley
ISBN: 81-8253-045-8



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