
Keep in touch

Chords of Life (Fiction)

Author: Kruti Mehta
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535534
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $14

Alex is everything for Tracy and without him she would be a living morgue. There are days in her life when Kia looks forward to killing her husband. Karma is after Jackson for his doings in the past. Life has taken a full circle and his past deeds are knocking at his doors. Jennifer has nothing left except the memories of her beautiful daughter Rain , whose death remains a tragedy forever. Chords of Life is a collection of strange, morbid, unusual tales of my mind. Our life is like Chords of a Guitar each filled with different emotions at every stage. We may not face the same level of harshness as others, but we do know the bitter truth about cruelty. Each story is crafted with a different emotion within itself.

Author BIO
Kruti Mehta

Kruti  Mehta is a Science graduate. She has done her Masters in Mass Communication from MIT in 2010. She is an aspiring author and social worker. She is a journalist turned content-writer working for some big names. You can follow her blog on or follow her on Facebook.

Other Publication By Kruti Mehta

Fossils of Memory

Fossils of Memory
Kruti Mehta and Himanshi Shah
ISBN: 9788182534490


Chords of Life (Fiction)

Chords of Life (Fiction)
Kruti Mehta
ISBN: 9788182535534



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