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Love, Another Name of Divinity

Author: Dipankar Sadhukhan
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535343
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $14

'Love, Another Name of Divinity' is his second anthology of fifty one poems that celebrate the feeling of love. The mood is often joyous and robust. Typical Bengali writer - English education; English poetry; Rabindranath Tagore and music meet and intersect to form inner landscapes - Dipankar deifies poetry and love in various aspects and stands in a worshipful attitude before the altar of the Muses. The language is, well, the language of a smitten lover - just ecstatic!

Author BIO
Dipankar Sadhukhan

"Dipankar Sadhukhan's Poetry is a reflection of the world we live in, depicting various glorious topics of varying degrees of emotions as expressed in the dancing rhythm of his words. His poetry will surely move you capturing the essence of human drama, the beauteous nature and God's love over His creations.

Other Publication By Dipankar Sadhukhan

Your Love, My Inspiration

Your Love, My Inspiration
Dipankar Sadhukhan
ISBN: 9788192818740


Love, Another Name of Divinity

Love, Another Name of Divinity
Dipankar Sadhukhan
ISBN: 9788182535343


Beauty and Truth in Love

Beauty and Truth in Love
Dipankar Sadhukhan
ISBN: 9788182536487



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