
Keep in touch

Mahlon ko bikte dekha hai !

Author: Piyush Kaviraj
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-9381696583
Publisher: Rochak Publishing
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $14

The poems included in this poetry collection have an irresistible appeal to the readers. The poetic thought in these poems is often packed with depth of emotions. The expression and style is quite fluent and spontaneous. The rhetorical style has disappeared in these poems marked with an admirable simplicity. 

Author BIO
Piyush Kaviraj

Piyush is a research scholar working on cancer biology. He has always been an avid reader and writer and he got addicted to poetry during his school days. He loves to use the name 'Kaviraj' when he is in his land of rhymes and rhythm and uses his blog and other websites to convey his feelings and musings.

Other Publication By Piyush Kaviraj

Mahlon ko bikte dekha hai !

Mahlon ko bikte dekha hai !
Piyush Kaviraj
ISBN: 978-9381696583



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