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Volume: VOLUME 6 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2007 (11th Issue)
Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: June 2007
Condition: New
Price: $0

From The Editor

I have pleasure in presenting the June 2007 issue of Taj Mahal Review. This issue features most remarkable Artwork by international artists, Poems, Short Stories, Literary Criticism, Interview, Book Review and more. There is a separate section for Haiku, the smallest literary form that originated in Japan in the 17th century. Due to difference in the syllable structure of English language, 5-7-5 format should  not be mandatory.


The authors whose writings appear in Taj are selected because of their heightened sensibilities as well as their fuller understanding of the postmodern period. The poems and short stories included in this issue reveal the author's response towards our unfortunate times dominated by the murderous and plundering forces. The innocent are knocked to pieces, and strangled. But these unpoetic-seeming things can be material for poetry. The ugliness, squalor and horror of the modern age was a new kind of material for Joyce's Ulysses and Eliot's The Waste Land. Stephen Spender aptly says in his World Within World that the poet "instead of having to set himself apart from his time, could create out of an acceptance of it." For example, several poets selected in this volume have adapted their urban sensibility, with undertones of tedium and fugitive sense-impressions mingled with ironic commentary.


I felt extreme suffering when a gunman killed 33 people in Virginia Tech University (April 16, 2007). The whole world was horrified by the school shootouts. Our beloved earth is groaning under these unbelievable peaks of  violence: "Now days are dragon-ridden, the nightmare / Rides upon sleep" (Yeats). I mourn with the parents of the deceased students. May god rest all the souls in peace.  


My heart is full of gratitude to all the authors whose help and kindness greatly inspire me in this work of editing and selecting. I look forward to receiving your cooperation in the future issues of Taj and thank you again.


Chief Editor

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Author BIO

Other Publication By


Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004




Alantino L. Beavers
Albert Russo
Bob Veon
Cathie Brock
Crystal Sons
Dee Rimbaud
Devon C. Thomas
Dragica Ohashi
Edward Levinson
Flavia Vidor
Frances M Buss
Francie Aguilera
Glen Munholland
Ira Joel Haber
Jane Levin
Joseph Josephides
Karunesh Kumar Agrawal
Kyle Basile
Lisa A. Thomas
Liz Parkinson
Louie Levy
Melissa Michaels
Michael Heintz
Michael Warble Finucane
Nikolay Pavlushko
Pietrino Di Sebastiano
Richard H. Heagy
Richard Lee Scott, Jr
Ross Loudon
Sherri Carchia-Dailey
Stuart Arnett
TheaterOfCrueltyNOH AZSACRA
Tina McFarlane
Trisha Allard


Albert Russo
Jackson Bliss
Jennifer Trudeau
Louie Levy
Robert M. Hensel


Alan M. Danzis
Andrea H. Cook
Andrew Coburn
Andrew McIntyre
Barbara Anton
Behcet Kaya
Bill Sizemore
Bill Teitelbaum 
Billy O'Callaghan
Brian Alan Lane
Calisto Mudzingwa 
Catherine Segurson
Chevon Charles
Daniel Luis Indranu
Davis Banta
Dianne Herring & Ian Hobson
Dick Quinn
Eric Tessier
Floriana Hall
Francie Aguilera
Fran Shaw
Frank Haberle
Gary Alexander Azerier
Geoff Langdon
Glenda Glayzer
J. Linn Allen
Jack R. Hodge
Jack Swenson
James Skinner
Janet K. Brennan
Jim Ganley
John P. Loonam
Kimberly Raiser
Kristi Petersen
Latasha Denise Dixon
M. Blake
Marie Wickman
Math Osseforth
Nader Elhefnawy
Nik Darvishen
Paul Hartal
Peter Ebsworth
Philip Keogh
Ralph Greco, Jr.
Richard H. Heagy
Rob Mommeyer
Robert S. Ruehrdanz 
Robert William Braswell
Scott McIntyre
Semia Harbawi
Stephen Healey
Stephen Shepherd
Terry Clark
Thomas J. Hubschman
Tom Leddy
Tom Atterberry
Victoria Valentine
Werner A. Low
William Reese Hamilton 
X&Al Danzabel


Adam Donaldson Powell
Alan Morgan
Albert E Parkinson
Alex Nodopaka
Amber Lee Biesecker
Andrea Hera Cook
Ashley Sweatt
Barbara Elizabeth Mercer
Barbara Lauderdale Hearn
Barbara Spring
Brenda Mann Hammack
Dr. Burt Kimmelman
Candy O'Donnell
Catherine Berg
Chan Mongol
Cherilyn Fry
Christine Mary Magee
D. Everett Newell
Dan Eggs
Daniel McNulty
Del Senkbeil
Dimitris P. Kraniotis 
Doug Holder
Doug Tanoury
Ferrell L. Hickson
Fran Shaw
Gavin Cook
Geoff Langdon
Henry Victor
Herbert L. Burd
Hirsch L. Silverman
Irene Stempher 
Dr. Irving A. Greenfield
J. William Miller
James Skinner
Jan Oskar Hansen
Jane Levin
Janice J. Heiss
Jerry Bradley
Jerry Craven
Jerry Ferguson
John Allman
John Greiner
Dr. John M. Bennett 
Joseph Berolo
Joseph Josephides
Karen Sperry and Tom Atterberry
Karl Elder 
Kim Schroeder 
Kimberley S. Jordan 
Kyran M. Daisy
Lawrence Berger
Linda Barnett-Johnson
Lola Scarborough
Louie Levy
Lynda Lehmann 
Lynette Arden
Magdalena Dale
Margriet Homma
María Cristina Azcona 
Maria Deyana
Mary Etta Metcalf
Melissa Michaels 
Melissia Ann Senter 
Michael Estabrook 
Michael LaSalle
Michael Lee Johnson
Michael Riley
Michelle True
Nita Karpf 
Pat Hathaway
Patricia Valdata
Patricia Wellingham-Jones
Paul Blakeford
Paul Greenhow
Phyllis Sacks
Rachelle Arlin Credo 
Rebecca Guile Hudson
Robert C. Carucci
Robert Wexelblatt
Robin Pommier
Rose Marie Streeter 
Sandi Alford
Sandra Fowler
Sean Lause
Shirley Bolstok
Shirley Hope
Skip Fox 
Stephanie Jarema
Stephen Lloyd Smith 
Tammy Ho Lai-ming 
Thomas Fundora 
Tsead Bruinja
Tom Atterberry
Trish Shields
Vernon Norris
Victoria Ellison
W. S. Mayo
X&Al Danzabel
Yvonne Sparkes


Azsacra Zarathustra 
Ban'ya Natsuishi
Casimiro de Brito
Georges Friedenkraft 
Gilles Fabre
Jack Galmitz
Joseph S. Spence, Sr.
Lars Granström
Rita Odeh 
Ronald Riddell
Santosh Kumar
Sayumi Kamakura
Vasile Moldovan

Interview with Poet Mary Elizabeth Barnet



Endless Helix by Ban'ya Natsuishi,, India 2007 pp. 107 $15 Paperback, ISBN: 978-81-8253-072-0 Reviewed by Joseph S. Spence, Sr.

The New American: Selected Poems by Mary Barnet, Gilford Press, USA, 2006, pp. 99, $17.95, ISBN 81-8253-066-0 Reviewed by Santosh Kumar

ALBERT RUSSO: un feu d'artifice littéraire. A review of the poetry of Albert Russo, based on The Crowded World of Solitude, Vol. 2, ISBN 1-4134-7018-1, XLibris, 537 pages, Reviewed by Adam Donaldson Powell

Rapture: endings of space and time by Adam Donaldson Powell,, India, 2007, pp. 86 $ 15 Paperback, ISBN: 978-81-8253-082-9 Reviewed by Santosh Kumar


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