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In Words and Music: Glocal Imaginaries

Author: Patrycja Austin
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535176
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $0

In Words and Music: Glocal Imaginaries...

While putting forth the various dichotomies, the scholar comes up with the notion that the new must be made precisely through attachment to the past, and by recognizing that only such attachment enables one to grasp what can and must be changed. However, the scholar, I'm sure, will sensitize the readers to the interplay of the global and the local, and take them beyond the nationally demarcated horizon.

Author BIO
Patrycja Austin

Patrycja Austin is an Assistant Professor at the University of Rzeszów. She received both her MA and PhD degrees from Warsaw University. Her main research interest has been postcolonial studies, with special focus on Indian Literature in English.

Other Publication By Patrycja Austin

In Words and Music: Glocal Imaginaries

In Words and Music: Glocal Imaginaries
Patrycja Austin
ISBN: 9788182535176



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