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Beyond Beauty Truth Lies

Author: Ranu Khare & Ramleela Khare
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535060
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $12

Here is a book to gift to seniors, juniors and friends on all occasions. It gives joy of reading true poetry. Every word of the poems is intelligently refreshing. Ranu Khare and Ramleela Khare have all that is needed in a creative poet. In the poems here they have presented what the life endows: vision, thought, creativity and a canvas that educates, entertains; soul that gives expression, pleasure and reveals secrets. In the end the poems turn the reader to look straight, be straight and succeed in achieving what is straight.

Author BIO
Ranu Khare

Ranu Khare was born in Jabalpur, MP in 1953 on 6th of November on Dipawali day. She has been bestowed Life Time Achievement Award by United Writers Association, Chennai; honored with Lok Sahitya Alankaran by Gunjan Kala Sadan, MP.

Ramleela Khare

amleela Khare was born in Bangalore in 1987 on 14th of November. He has learnt more outside the school in nature's surroundings and traveling to places. Currently Ramleela is conducting research for his PhD. He advocates conservation of environment and energy management.

Other Publication By Ramleela Khare

Beyond Beauty Truth Lies

Beyond Beauty Truth Lies
Ranu Khare & Ramleela Khare
ISBN: 9788182535060



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