
Keep in touch

Compositions from

Author: B. Krish
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789381696576
Publisher: Rochak Publishing
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $12

Kishan Ballurkar, 21, is a mechanical engineer by profession and a poet at heart. Hailing from Aurangabad he is now living in Pune. His favorite poets are Pablo Neruda and John Keats. He aspires to be a professional poet one day. He has also authored another poetry book titled Ink to my thoughts .

Author BIO
Kishan Ballurkar

I, Kishan Ballurkar, 20, am a third year mechanical engineering student currently studying in VIT Pune. I have done my schooling and junior college from Loyola high school and junior college Pune. 

Other Publication By Kishan Ballurkar

Ink to My Thoughts

Ink to My Thoughts
Kishan Ballurkar
ISBN: 9789381696309


Compositions from

Compositions from
B. Krish
ISBN: 9789381696576



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