
Keep in touch

Speak to me Reader!

Author: James G. Skinner
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182535237
Pub. Date: 2014
Price: $12

'Speak to me reader' is a highly entertaining and witty collection of tales based around the follies and fascinations of modern technology and philosophical analysis as well as stories that are based on fact. Managing simultaneously to be both humorous and serious, the author portrays a variety of scenarios in which man becomes increasingly dominated and influenced by his own machines and bizarre creations. Other narratives take the form of anecdotes or personal adventures where human drama plays a central role. There is something for everyone; even computer lovers will be entertained and amused by the author's images of the future in a collection of pieces which could be described as modern morality fables, albeit with some rather original and unexpected twists.'

Author BIO
James G. Skinner

James G. Skinner is a retired world wide telecommunications executive and ex-Honorary British Consul in Spain. For the past twenty years he has lived in Vigo and has observed through the press the constant flow of drugs from Latin America into Europe via the coast of Galicia. Living in Spain has also given him an insight into the fight on terrorism, especially the Basque Separatist movement ETA.

Other Publication By James G. Skinner

Serene Maiden

Serene Maiden
James G. Skinner
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The Goa File

The Goa File
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182530799


Save My Spine

Save My Spine
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 978-81-8253-327-1


Speak to me Reader!

Speak to me Reader!
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182535237


Màs alla Del Esfuerzo - Memorias de un Cónsul Honorario

Màs alla Del Esfuerzo - Memorias de un Cónsul Honorario
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182536296


Operation - Side-Kick

Operation - Side-Kick
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182536753


O Diario dun Cónsul Escoces en Galiza

O Diario dun Cónsul Escoces en Galiza
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182536739


Samaritan Drug Lords

Samaritan Drug Lords
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9789388125116


Mi Destino Aguarda (Spanish Edition)

Mi Destino Aguarda (Spanish Edition)
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9789389074109


A Clash of Conscience

A Clash of Conscience
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9789389074628


When A Conscience Knocks

When A Conscience Knocks
James G. Skinner
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James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182538429



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